This is a collection of Education Master's Theses (1953 - 2012) from Dominican University of California.

The theses listed here currently reside at the Archbishop Alemany Library and only available for use in the Library


Theses/Capstones from 2004

The Effects of Conflict Management on Elementary Discipline, Jessie M. Rees

The Efficacy of Instructional Methods for Fourth Grade English Learners Using the Jason Project Science Curriculum, John Dean

The Organization of Classroom Discussions: A Study of How and Why Female Classroom Particiaption Differs Between Book Club Discussions and Whole-Class Reading Discussions, Sandy J. Shifs

Theses/Capstones from 2003

A Case Study of the Wamakashka Oeti (Bison Camp): Evaluating the Impact of Indigenous Learning on Cultural Integrity and Family Wllness for Nakonabe at Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Reservation, Joshua B. Horowitz

A Literature Review: Dual Immersion Programs in Elementary Schools, Lea N. Soltes

A Literature Review Examining the Impact of School Retention on Middle School Student Academic Success, Borg Klein

A Literature Review: Integrating a Nutrition Program in an Elementary School, Jamie M. Azevedo

A Literature Review: The Connection Between Nutrition and Behavior in Elementary School Age Children, Kelly Pheatt

An Eight-Week Professional Development in Service in Best Practice Strategies in Literacy Instruction Kindergarten Through Grade Five, Mary E. Niesyn

An Examiniation of Anti-Bullying Research and Programs: 1988-2002, Victoria Rose

An Exploration of the Benefits of Lifeskills Processing on Third Grade Independent Learning Decisions to Bolster Non-Ability Grouped Mathematics Instruction, Daniel Horowitz

An Inquiry into the Adoption Process of California Mathematics Standards for First Grade, Joan Warren Stahl

An Investigation of Advanced Email Training on Teacher Collegial Activity, Mary Coyne

A Perspective of the Effectiveness of Project Based Bilingual Curriculum in Personal Empowerment of the Adult English Language Learner: A Case Study, Cameron Johnson

A Rubric for Assessing High School Youth Development Programs, Marylynn R. Archer

A Study Examining the Role of Recess Activities on Student Development on the Playground for Middle School Students, Trisha Renee Leroy-Smith

A Study of the Effects of Brain Gym Exercises and Bal-A-Vis-X on Language Acquisition in Middle School Hmong and Hispanic English Language Learners, Marsha Lenz

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Alternative Treatment Plans for School Age Children Diagnosed with ADHD, Claudia L. Carbonell

Beyond Reading: The Extended Academic and Social Effects of Dyslexia, Damien Hansen

Comprehend What? Teaching Reading Strategies That Improve High School Juniors Reading Comprehension Skills, Bridget S. Paul

Culturally Responsive Approaches to Teaching Black Children: A Literature Review, Rebecca M. Edelman

Effective Strategies for English Language Development, Emily L. Selim

Impact of a Middle School Reading Strategies Elective on Reading Comprehension Test Scores and Reading Confidence, Tammy Wilks Kornfeld

Intermedicate Grade Mathematics: Hands-on Strategies and Strands Stressed by Teachers, Julie M. Mann

Keepign Our Rural Communities Safe: A Study of Strengths an Weaknesses of a Rural Violence Prevention Program, Michelle Egger

Learning to Read in Zoomania - The Curriculum and Succssful Strategies Used in a First Grade Classroom, Jennifer A. Aikman

Long Term Effects of Ritalin on Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Kendra Pheatt

Promoting Resilience in High Risk Students Attending Alternative High School Programs, Julie Brazill

Ramifications fo California's Proposition 227: Emotinal and Academic Effects on California's Primary School English Language Learners, Barbara Godoy-Borges

Referal Practices/Policies of Public School Officials and Juvenile Probation to Juvenile Court Schools, Marta Blea Evans

Resiliency in Rural Northern California County Community and Continuation School Graduates: Experiences and Characteristics of Resiliency Among Successful Graduates, Ernest Kent Jones Jr.

Review of Literature on Language Programs for English Language Learners and Implications for Program Development, Maria Luisa Raposo

School Responses to Declining Enrollment, Tina Krenov

Teacher Retention: Factors That Contribute to Teachers' Decisions to Remain in the Profession, Valerie Cines

The Effect of Oral Reading Fluency on Analysis Skills, Kimberly Borchardt Hammer

The Effects of High School Internships on Academic Performance a Reviw of the Literature, Robin A. Rynbrandt

The Effects of Morale Building Activities on Teachers in a Rural High School, Katherine A. Babcock

The Effects of Weekly Sustained Silent Reading Time on Recreational Reading Habist and Attitudes ina 9th Grade English Class, Mary C. Kirby

The Homework Debate: Arguments For/Against Homework, Craig Pitti

The Use of Forum Theatre as a Problem Solving Strategy for Middle School Students, Blair Johnson Carlson

Writing Conventions for English Language Learners: A Study of the Use of the Past Tense, Lauren Ryan

Theses/Capstones from 2002

A California Induction Program: A Report on the Effectiveness of Supporting New Teachers Through the BTSA Project, Karen Mize

An Examiniation o fthe effect of Risk-taking as Defined by the International Baccalaureate Organiztion (IBO) Primary Year Program (PYP) on Students' Active Particiaption in Their Own Academic Learning, Philip Wolch

Effective Interventions for Retention Policy in the Middle Schools, Thomas Michaud

Enhancing Visual Literacy with Technology in Standards-Based Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum, Ricarda Fritz Eggert

Examining Beginning year Writing Production of First Graders: Lined Versus Unlined Paper, Tim Munneke

Exploring the School-Within-A-School (SWAS) Model, Gina Rivera Cater

Factors That Explain Third and Fourth Grade Teachers' Decision to Teach Environmental Education in a Northern California District, Rebecca Fenton

Implementing Learner-Centered Education Using a Sixth Grade Science Curriculum, Erica Kaplan

Parental Reasons for Home Schooling, Karrie Coulter