This is a collection of Education Master's Theses (1953 - 2012) from Dominican University of California.

The theses listed here currently reside at the Archbishop Alemany Library and only available for use in the Library


Theses/Capstones from 1958

Guidance Practices Related to Religious Vocations of Girls of San Francisco Archdiocean High Schools, Mary Albert Walsh

Significant Methods and Devices in Teaching French with Special Observations in the Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools of San Francisco, Mary Clara Avellar

The Historical Development of San Rafael High School (1887-1958), Edith D. Miller

Theses/Capstones from 1957

A Study of Current Practices and Methods Benefitting the Slow-learning Child in the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Mary Stella Van Winkle

Reading Improvement Programs on the College and University Level, Dorothy Smith Blackmore

The Application of Democratic Principles of Education to the Minor Seminary, John H. Hillmann

The Development of Language Responses in Early Childhood, Patricia Rawles Bertrand

Theses/Capstones from 1956

Basic Issues of General Mathematics, Paquita Celez Demetillo

The Catholic Position on the Rights of the Family in the Education of the Child: A Study Based on the Encyclicals of Popes Leo XIII, Pius XI, and Pius XII, Marie Celine

The Development and Present Use of Demonstrations in the Secondary Schools of Northern California, M. Bernadine

Theses/Capstones from 1955

A Suggested Program for the Evaluation of Student Teachers of Dominican College, Helen Anna Wilson

Home-School Cooperation: A Study of Practices in Relationship to the Religious and Socio-economic Background of the Pupils in the Kindergarten and First Grades of Twelve Schools, Marie Carmel Janke

Some Factors Affecting the Virtue of Obedience in Elementary School Children, Thomas Josephine Lawler

The History of Saint Rose Academy San Francisco, California 1862-1906, Mary Ellen Marengo

The Value of Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary Grades, Margaret A. Underhill

Theses/Capstones from 1954

The Educational Viewpoints of Mari de St. Jean Martin Regarding Preparaion for Christian Maariage and Motherhood, M. Columba Kirby

Theses/Capstones from 1953

Principles of Catechetical Instruction According to Rev. Peter C. Yorke, Mary Clement Manion

Theses/Capstones from 1952

Monsignor George Johnson: His Educational Principles and Their Application to the Curriculum of the Catholic Schools, Mary Giovanne Vidoni

The Educational Principles of Charles Franklin Thwing, Marueen Thwyng

The Effect of John J. Cantwell's Episcopate on Catholic Education in California (1917-1947), Mary Patricia O'Donnell

Theses/Capstones from 1951

A Student Evaluation of the Present Twelfth Grade Guidance Program in Catholic High Schools for Girls in California, Mary Celestine Dyer

A Suggested Introduction for a General Methods Course in Elementary Education with Particular Stress on the Fusion of Theory and Practice, Mary Bernice Schmidt

Theses/Capstones from 1950

The Problem of Correlated Library Instruction in Secondary Schools, Mary Christopher Calloway

Theses/Capstones from 1949

A Study of Administration in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Teresa Augustine Donnelly

Ninth Grade Counseling for Girls: A Comparative Study, Mary Maurice Powers

Theses/Capstones from 1948

The Status, Duties and Administrative Procedure of the Elementary School Principals of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Francis de Sales Hallicy

Theses/Capstones from 1946

A Determination of the Philosophical Principles Basic to the Social Science Curriculum of Harold O. Rugg, John L. Zoph

Educational Principles of Orestes A. Brownson, Mary Benedict Collier

The Educational Work of the Sisters of St. Dominic of the Congregation of the Queen fo the Holy Rosary, Mary Kevin Breen

Theses/Capstones from 1940

Study on the effect of Drill on Word Meaning on Reading Achievement, Mary Stanislaus Dazé