An Analysis of the Angels in the Poetry of John Milton

Graduation Date

Summer 1954

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Degree Granting Institution

Catholic University of America

Program Name



One of the most prominent and effective elements in the poetry of John Milton is his conception of angelic nature. This conception is frequently original, devised to suit the purpose or end of the poem. In the greatest of his works, the angels emerge as factors so dominant to the action, mood, and end of the poem that without them the work simply could not be. In the following study, I propose to consider Milton’s treatment of the angels from two main points of view. First, I shall interpret some of the characteristic qualities and functions which Milton gave to the angels in his poetic works. Second, I shall show how, once he has established clearly defined and fully developed characters, the poet uses them as literary devices. In other words, the second part of the thesis will treat of the angels as means or Instruments for the attainment of a poetic end.
