Th Humanites program started as separate programs in French, English, and Music. These programs came together to form the Master of Arts in Humanities. The program is no longer active.


Theses/Capstones from 1954

The Irish Republicanism of Peter C. Yorke of San Francisco 1916-1922, Catharine Julie Cunningham

A Study of the Vow of Chastity, M. Jean Frances Fiffe

An Analysis of Bernanos' Style in La Joie, Mary Thaddea Kelly

An Explication of the Text of John Keats' Ode on Melancholy, Mary Thomasine Ringo

Theses/Capstones from 1953

The Background of Lamentabili, Patricia Maria Coyle

Hiram W. Johnson and California Politics 1910-1914, Mary of the Nativity O'Leary

Theses/Capstones from 1952

The Military Frontier in Washington Territory withSpecific Reference to the San Juan Islands 1858-1861, Francis Augustine Dibley

Eugene Casserly His Political and Legal Career, Winifred Mary White

Theses/Capstones from 1951

The Love of the Mass and Its Theological Motivation, Mary Carol Bitz

The History of th Tidings 1895-1945, M. St. Joseph Feickert

An Analysis of Imagery in Selected Poems of Thomas Merton, Rosemarie Julie Gavin

Some Aspect of Wit in the Prose Works of John Dryden, Mary Fanzita Kane

California Opinion on Lincoln to 1864, Thomas Ignatius Kennedy

Limits of State Control in Economic Life, Mary Losa

Theses/Capstones from 1950

The American Party in Utah Politics: A Study in Religious and Social Conflict 1904-1912, Mercedes Marie Bruneau

A Thomistic Appraisal of the Philosophy of Henry George, Miriam Ann Cunningham

The Career of Peter Hardeman Burnett Calfiornia's First Governor, Mary Justine McMullen

The Relationship Between God and Man, Mary Anselm Reedy

Forces of Prejudice in Oregon 1920-1925, Lawrence J. Saalfeld

Theses/Capstones from 1949

A Comparison of the French and Latin Editions of the Third Book of Jean Bodin's REPUBLIQUE, Boniface Kohles

The Odd Words in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, M. Nichoas Maltman

A Thomistic Philosophy of Culture, Mary Joseph Wagstaffe

Theses/Capstones from 1948

The Allusions to the Saints in the Canterbury Tales, Their Appropriateness, Mary Jean Francis Boos

Cursus Patterns in the Prose of Serenus Cressy's Digest fo the Sancta Sophia of the Venerable Augustin Baker, Joan Marie Donohoe

Theses/Capstones from 1947

The Gentile Opposition in the Wasatch Region: A Study in Religious and Social Conflict (1862-1890), Alfreda Marie Bayhouse