Th Humanites program started as separate programs in French, English, and Music. These programs came together to form the Master of Arts in Humanities. The program is no longer active.


Theses/Capstones from 1970

Mirror Imagery in Chaucer's Trolius and Criseide, Helga Epstein

The Synax of the Simple Cases and the Cases with Prepostions in Quintus Curtius' History of Alexander, Book VI, Ulmus Joseph Fabiano

The Synax of the Simple Cases and the Cases with Prepostions in Quintus Curtius' History of Alexander, Book VIII, Stanley Murakami

Bitter Gaiety: Yeat's "Meditations in Time of Civil War", Maureen O'Sullivan

Shelly's Star: Genesis of a Symbol, Mary McGowan Raymond

Chaucer's Use of Rheoric in the "General Prologue" and Linkages of The Canterbury Tales, Ellen Streich

Theses/Capstones from 1969

A Model of Guerrilla Warfare Applied to the Civil War and Geneal Nathan Bedford Forrest, William David Farson

Indian Uprisings in Humboldt County, Nevada 1861-1863, M. Peter Damian Lang

A History of Transportation, Land Use and Economic Development in Coastal marin County 1800-1900, Gloria Wyeth Melbostad

Movement in Relation to Diction and Imagery in E. E. Cummings' Elegy "My Father Moved Through Dooms of Love", Diane Reese

Dark-Light Imagery in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Clair Stephen Spellman

Martin Murphy, Jr., California Pioneer 1844-1884, Gabriele Sullivan

The Syntax of the Finite Forms and the nominal Forms fo the Verb in Quintus Curtius'"History of Alexander, Bk. IX", Nora Sweeney

Theses/Capstones from 1968

Gerard De Nerval Precurseur Du Surrealisme, Jean Y. Audiger

Le Sentient Du Donheur Chez Andre Gide, Mercedes Audiger

The History of Marin County California: Resources fr use in the Development of an Experiential Program for Elementary Students, Mary Jane Chetelat

Justice: A Unifying Thread Within the House of Fame, Edith Mary Colt

The Political Career of Alcide De Gasperi, Anna Maria Di Donna

Albert Camus and Youth, Marilyn E. Eastman

American Catholoic Periodical Coverage of the Spanish Civil War, Jeanette Giacomini

A Study of the One Sentence Poes of William Butler Yeats, Carole Hetherton

Testing for Musical Aptittude: An Examination of Methods in use t the Present Time and a Discussion of Correlated Factors and Abilities, Irene M. Omi

A Reevaluation of the Croxton Play of the Sacrament, Mary Boniface Sullivan

Dryden's Pegasus: Heroic Tone in Macflecknoe, John D. Tassone

Theses/Capstones from 1967

A Large Frame of the Iconography of Death in the Time of John Donne, Helen Hadly Greely