Forces of Prejudice in Oregon 1920-1925

Graduation Date

Spring 1950

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Degree Granting Institution

Catholic University of America

Program Name



Historical events in Oregon during the nineteen twenties were unique in national politics and unusually significant in the history of the Catholic Church in the United States. The social, political, and religious life of the people of Oregon during this period was dominated thoroughly by the forces of prejudice and big­otry, activated by the presence of the Ku Klux Klan in particular. This unusual phenomenon imprinted an indelible mark on tie people of the state and loft its traces on national legislation and consti­tutional history.

This part of the history of Oregon so ruled by the forces of prejudice seems to have been neglected almost completely in any historical work or publication. The omission may have been thus far intentional, lest by recording the events of such a turbulent period the scribe call forth, renew, and stimulate the ever present forces. It may well be that most people would rather allow the bitterness to be forgotten and permit time to heal completely the wounds suf­fered in the struggle, however, since stories of prejudice handed down by word of mouth alone tend to grow beyond proof or denial, it is necessary in the interest of truth to provide a written account.
