Th Humanites program started as separate programs in French, English, and Music. These programs came together to form the Master of Arts in Humanities. The program is no longer active.


Theses/Capstones from 1963

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: An Analysis, Celine Hatcher

Father Felix Bucher, S.D.S. Indian Missionary of Grand Ronde, Oregon, Cletus Edward La Mere

Byron's Use of Rhetorical Devices for Satire in the Vision of Judgement, M. Emily Sparks

A Comparison of the Attitudes Towards Independence for the Philippine Islands, 1898-1946, as Reflected in the Editorials fo the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times, Mary Judith Wemmer

Theses/Capstones from 1962

Understanding the Sacrifice of the Mass: Development Witnessed Particularly in the Ten-Year Period Following the Mediator Dei of Pope Pius XII, 1948-1958, Cornelius J. Burns

The Law of Charity & Segregation in the Catholic School, Benita Francis Curley

The History of the City of Marysville, California 1852-1859, M. Belinda Desmond

The Principles of Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State, 1921-1925, in Directing the Foreign Policy of the United States, Mary Chritine Fleitz

The Reaction of the the Russion Orthodox Church During the First Year of Communist Persecution, Peter Nicholas Kurguz

An Explanation of the Sonnet "On the Sonnet" by John Keats, M. Xavier McPhee

Book VIII of Wordsworth's Prelude: Meaning and Structure, Mary Lucille Shea

Nature in Victor Hugo's Quatrevingt-Treize, Mary Catherine Zacha

Theses/Capstones from 1961

A Study of the Vow and Virtue of Obedience, Mary Aquinas Logan

Prison Imagry in Little Dorrit, Mary Michael Phipps

The Syntax of the Finite Verb and the Nominal Forms fo the Verb in Pliny's Natural History Book Seventeen, M. Patricia Rielly

Robert Baylor Semple His Contributions to Calfornia Hisotry, 1845-1854, Marie Robert Semple

The Founding of Anaheim, California 1857-1870, Mary Peter Traviss

A Study of the Rescue in Keat's "Eve of St. Agnes", Mary Cabrin Walsh

Theses/Capstones from 1960

Functions of Byron's footnotes to English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Catherine Marie Collins

The Dogmatic Importance of the Doctrineof the Association of Mary with Christ, Mary Sebastian Gordon

The foundation and Early Growth of Saint Mary's Hospital, Reno, Nevada 1908-1930, Mary Gerald LaVoy

The Digressive Structure of Beppo, Ralph J. Murphy

The Theme of Discipline and Control in Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness", Mary Kathleen O'Hanlon

A Comparison of the Treatent of Selected Subjects in American History in the Ninth, Eleventh, and Fourteenth Editions of the Encycloaedia Britannica, Rosalind Ruth Roberts

Some Patterns of Imagery in Joseph Conrad's Typhoon, Lillian fitzgerald Seaver