This collection represents a sample of scholarship from various academic departments across Dominican University of California.
Scholarship from 2008
Internationalizing a Psychology Department: A Case Study, LeeAnn Bartolini, Afshin Gharib, and W. Phillips
Latina Adolescent Outreach Project, Susan C. Scwartz, Claudia Guerra, Julianna Deardorff, et al.
Niebuhr’s Immoral Society and Bellah’s Good Society: A Conversation about Moral Man, Harlan Stelmach
Reduced levels of calcium and other mineral elements in grapevine leaves affected by Bois noir (BN), Wolfgang Schweigkofler, Anna Cassar, and Elmar Stimpfl
Reflections on the Tokyo Poetry Festival 2008, Judy Halebsky
Synteny and candidate gene prediction using an anchored linkage map of Astyanax mexicanus, Joshua B. Gross, Meredith E. Protas, Melissa Conrad, et al.
Variation in Rates of Spore Deposition of Fusarium circinatum, the Causal Agent of Pine Pitch Canker, Over a 12-Month-Period at Two Locations in Northern California, M. Garbelotto, T. Smith, and W. Schweigkofler
Scholarship from 2007
Acute Reperfusion Therapy in ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction from 1994-2003, Brahmajee K. Nallamouthu, Martha E. Blaney, Susan M. Morris, et al.
Are Taylor-Based Monetary Policy Rules Forward-Looking? An Investigation Using Superexogeneity Tests, Rajeev Sooreea
Assistive Technology and the IEP, Laura Greiss Hess and Kerrie Lemons Chitwood
Assistive Technology Enhancement of Written Expression for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Laura Greiss Hess, Kerrie Lemons Chitwood, and Susan Harris
Assistive Technology Enhancement of Written Expression for Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders [Poster], Laura Greiss Hess, Kerrie Lemons Chitwood, and Susan Harris
Breast Cancer and Environment Peer Education Tool Kit -- Community Action Panel, Susan C. Schwartz
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of 10-N-Substituted Acridones as Novel Chemosensitizers in Plasmodium falciparum, Jane X. Kelly, Martin J. Smilkstein, Roland A. Cooper, et al.
Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 in Caribbean spiny lobsters, Megan M. Montgomery-Fullerton, Roland Cooper, Kathryn M. Kauffman, et al.
First Report of Fusarium circinatum, Causal Agent of Pitch Canker Disease, from the Roots of Mature Aleppo Pines in California, M. Garbelotto and W. Schweigkofler
Greening the Business Economics Curriculum: A Paradigm for Environmental Stewardship in the 21st Century, Asayehgn Desta
Intermolecular Interactions of Homologs of Germ Plasm Components in Mammalian Germ Cells, Mark S. Fox, Amander T. Clark, Mohammed El Majdoubi, et al.
June Watanabe's Translation/Transformatin of Japanese Nō in Contemporary Practice, Judy Halebsky
Marin County Youth Focus Group Project: Youth Perception Regarding Access and Barriers to Equitable Education and Careers, Julia Van der Ryn, Jenny Bray, Mea Chavez, et al.
Patterns of Life: Integrating Mathematics with Science, Culture, and Art, Dian Calkins, James B. Cunningham, Foad Satterfield, et al.
Regressive Evolution in the Mexican Cave Tetra, Astyanax mexicanus, Meredith E. Protas, Melissa Conrad, Joshua B. Gross, et al.
Review of "Theatre of Yugen, 25 Years: A Retrospective. Edited by Erik Ehn, Judy Halebsky
Risk Perception, Warning Systems and Evacuation Plans for Volcanic Hazards, Matt Davis, David Johnston, and Julia Becker
Salvation and Liberation: Revisiting an Interfaith Classic, Philip Novak
The Impact of Commitment, Accountability, and Written Goals on Goal Achievement, Gail Matthews
Thinking and Action: Preparing Students to Engage Complexity within Themselves and in the World, Julia Van der Ryn
Scholarship from 2006
Adolescent Breast Cancer Prevention, Risk Reduction and Education Project, Susan C. Schwartz and Janice Barlow
Children's Risk Perceptions and Preparedness: Mt Rainier 2006 Hazard Education Assessment Tabulated Results, D. Johnston, J. Becker, M. Coomer, et al.
Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1) in the Caribbean spiny lobster using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), Caiwen Li, Jeffrey D. Shields, Hamish J. Small, et al.
Direct Control of Cell Cycle Gene Expression by Proto-oncogene Product ACTR, and Its Autoregulation Underlies Its Transforming Activity, Maggie C. Louie, Alexey S. Revenko, June X. Zou, et al.
Formation and Stabilization of Persistent Free Radicals, Barry Dellinger, Slawomir Lomnicki, Lavrent Khachatryan, et al.
George W. Bush and the Rhetoric of Chief Legislator: The First Term, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
One for the Sages, Philip Novak
Risk Perceptions and Preparedness: Mt. Ranier 2006 Community Assessment Tabulated Results, Matt Davis, D. Johnston, J. Becker, et al.
Scholarship from 2005
Civil Religion in the Interfaith Context of Northern California: Revisiting Robert Bellah's Broken Covenant Project, Harlan Stelmach
Communicating as Chief Legislator: Four Case Studies from the State of the Union, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
Decreased Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neuronal Activity Is Associated with Decreased Fertility and Dysregulation of Food Intake in the Female GPR-4 Transgenic Rat, Francisca Gomez, Susanne E. la Fleur, Richard I. Weiner, et al.
Detection and quantification of Leptographium wageneri, the cause of black-stain root disease, from bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Northern California using regular and Real-time PCR, Wolfgang Schweigkofler, William J. Otrosina, Sheri L. Smisth, et al.
Divergence, Recombination and Retention of Functionality During Protein Evolution, Yanong O. Xu, Randall W. Hall, Richard A. Goldstein, et al.
Perceptions of Risk for Volcanic Hazards at Vesuvio and Etna, Italy, Matt Davis, Tullio Ricci, and Lara M. Mitchell
[Review] Antiracist Education: From Theory to Practice by Julie Kailin., Laura Stivers
Simulation of Electronic and Geometric Degrees of Freedom Using a kink-Based Path Integral Formulation: Application to Molecular Systems, Randall W. Hall
Targeted expression of a dominant-negative fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons reduces FGF responsiveness and the size of GnRH neuronal population, Pei-San Tsai, Suzanne M. Moenter, Hector R. Postigo, et al.
The Parisian Catholic Press and the February 1848 Revolution, M. Patricia Dougherty
Scholarship from 2004
ACTR/AIB1 Functions as an E2F1 Coactivator To Promote Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation and Antiestrogen Resistance, Maggie C. Louie, June X. Zou, Alina Rabinovich, et al.
Detection and quantification of airborne conidia of Fusarium circinatum, the causal agent of Pine Pitch Canker, from two California sites using a Real Time-PCR approach combined with a simple spore trapping method, Wolfgang Schweigkofler, Kerry O'Donnell, and Matteo Garbelotto
Donning the Hat of Chief Legislator: The President, Congress, and the State of the Union Address, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison Howard
Interleukin-8 confers androgen-independent growth and migration of LNCaP: differential effects of tyrosine kinases Src and FAK, Li-Fen Lee, Maggie Louie, Sonal J. Desai, et al.
Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Therapy, Ruth Ramsey