Breast Cancer and Environment Peer Education Tool Kit -- Community Action Panel

Document Type



2nd Annual Town Hall Meeting of the Bay Area Breast Cancer and Environment Research Center: Environmental Influences on Girls 'Development During Puberty'

Publication Date



Occupational Therapy


The Breast Cancer and Environment Peer Education Tool Kit culminates three years of dedicated effort by the Zero Breast Cancer leadership and staff, community partners and advisors, and peer education specialists in the San Francisco Bay Area. The teen breast cancer risk awareness curriculum tools that Zero Breast Cancer is making available to the broader community evolved from a formative community assessment to address the need for ageappropriate teen breast cancer outreach education in a community known for high breast cancer incidence.

The impetus to develop this program has been threefold: 1) to disseminate knowledge back to the community that resulted from the Adolescent Risk Factors Study (2003), 2) to involve the community in the Bay Area Breast Cancer and Environment Research Center’s focus on girl’s pubertal development as a window of susceptibility for potential breast cancer risk, and 3) to recognize that adolescence as an optimal stage to disseminate preventive health messages about breast cancer risk, empowering trained peer educators to convey timely information to their peers.


Copyright © 2006 Zero Breast Cancer
