This collection represents a sample of scholarship from various academic departments across Dominican University of California.
Submissions from 2025
Paleoecology Perspectives for Planetary Health, Brett R. Bayles
Submissions from 2024
Assessment of salivary cadmium levels and breast density in the Marin Women's Study, Michaela F. George, Shayne Paff, Jenyse Rojo, et al.
Building blocks for a happy life: Longitudinal associations between early life income, mentorship and later well-being, Thomas Chan, Veronica Fruiht, and Nicardo McInnis
Centering Community Voice and Knowledge through Participatory Action Research, Jennifer Lucko
COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effect on Occupational Therapy Students’ Time-Use and Occupational Engagement On Returning to In-Person Learning, Jhannell Hannah D. Ocampo, Susan MacDermott, and Karen McCarthy
Digital Genome and Self-Regulating Distributed Software Applications with Associative Memory and Event-Driven History, Rao Mikkilineni, W. Patrick Kelly, and Gideon Crawley
Exploring Ideological Differences in Taiwanese Perceptions of Cross-Strait Relations, Rong Chen, Kristína Kironská, and Jiri Čeněk
Machine Intelligence with Associative Memory and Event-Driven Transaction History, Rao Mikkilineni and W. Patrick Kelly
Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change., Kathryn H. Jacobsen, Caryl E Waggett, Pamela Berenbaum, et al.
You’re Not the Boss of Me!, Shankar Vedantam and Benjamin Rosenberg
Scholarship from 2023
A Qualitative Study on the Effect of Misattributed Parentage Experiences, Jodi Klugman-Rabb
Bortolini's Bellah and Bellah's Bortolini: A Reading of an Ethical Biography, Harlan Stelmach
Early American Disabilities Studies: Teaching (and Confronting) Internalized Ableism, Vivian Delchamps
General Theory of Information, Digital Genome, Large Language Models, and Medical Knowledge-Driven Digital Assistant, W. Patrick Kelly, Francesco Coccaro, and Rao Mikkilineni
Imposter Phenomenon: The Occupational Experiences of First-Generation College Students, Karen McCarthy, Kevin Chavez, Krysta Gastelum, et al.
Right vs. Left: Ideology and Psychological Motives in the Chinese Cultural Context, Rong Chen and Peter Beattie
“They'll take a gun to me before I get that shot”:Rationalization, Emotions, and Misinformation in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Michaela George, Benjamin Rosenberg, Savannah N. Dale, et al.
Scholarship from 2022
Applying the Age-Friendly Health Systems 4M Framework to Create Geriatric Education, S. Cotton, Gina Tucker-Roghi, S. M. Ross, et al.
Batok: The Exploration of Indigenous Filipino Tattooing as a Resistive Collective Occupation, Chelsea Ramirez, Karen McCarthy, Ana Cabalquinto, et al.
Context, Relevance, and Labor, Wayne de Fremery and Michael K. Buckland
Digital Humanities in the iSchool, John A. Walsh, Peter J. Cobb, Wayne de Fremery, et al.
Ensuring a Knowledgeable Geriatric Workforce: Interdisciplinary Education in Long-Term Services and Supports, Gina Tucker-Roghi
Exploring Dating as an Occupation for Young Heterosexual Women in Ireland, Karen McCarthy and Jeanne Jackson
Exploring the Meaningful Qualities of Transactions in Virtual Environments for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Gamers, Karen McCarthy, Shasta Rice, Amanda Flores, et al.
First Born CEOs and Credit Ratings, June Woo Park, Giseok Nam, Albert Tsang, et al.
Interdisciplinary Telementoring for Therapists in SNFs to Improve Dementia Care Knowledge and Skills, Gina Tucker-Roghi
Occupational Therapy for Individuals with Dementia and their Caregivers: Promoting Health, Wellbeing and Quality of Life, Gina Tucker-Roghi
Physical Activity Interventions That Address Motor and Balance Impairments and Skills for Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) (2012-2021), Beth Fields, Kitsum Li, Adam Kinney, et al.
Promoting Health, Well Being and Quality of Life for Individuals with Dementia, Gina Tucker-Roghi
The impact of teacher feedback on students’ decisions to stay on or change course after math failure in a Confucian cultural context, Bih_jen Fwu, Tong-Rong Yang, Yi-Kan Chen, et al.
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Business Practice: Some Key Insights, Rajeev Sooreea and Brinda Sooreea
To Mask or not to Mask: Debunking the Myths of Mask-Wearing During COVID-19 Across Cultures, Rong Chen, Bih-Jen Fwu, Tong-Rong Yang, et al.
Using commonly-available technologies to create online multimedia lessons through the application of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Thomas M. Cavanagh and Christa Kiersch
Submissions from 2021
Abstracting Digital Documents to Think about Cultural Preservation, Wayne de Fremery
Adapting International Relations to the Changing Landscape of American Higher Education (United States), Gigi Gokcek
A framework to guide planetary health education., Carlos A. Faerron Guzmán, A. Alonso Aguirre, Barbara Astle, et al.
Applying the Age-Friendly Health System Framework to Long Term Care Settings, L. S. Edelman, J. Drost, R. P. Moone, et al.
Emergence: Documents in Crisis, Wayne de Fremery
Exploring Voice Hearers' Occupational Experience of Romantic and Sexual Relationships, Karen McCarthy, Kristen Gottheil, Emilio Villavicencio, et al.
Freedom, Covid-19, and Resistance to Public Health Orders, Benjamin Rosenberg
How Do Globalism and Nationalism Impact the International Business Competitiveness of the United States of America?, Françoise Lepage, Denise Lucy, and Jayati Ghosh
Interdisciplinary Community-Based Support for Caregivers of Individuals Living with Dementia, Gina Tucker-Roghi, Jamie Escoubas, Renee Tolliver, et al.
Learning to Love, Work, and Live Your Best Life: Mentoring in Emerging Adulthood Predicts Later Flourishing and Subjective Well-Being, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Sarah Hwang, et al.
Medium Matters: A Decade of Media Consumption Predicts Positive and Negative Dimensions of Self-Perceptions of Aging, Jordan Boeder, Dwight C K Tse, Veronica Fruiht, et al.
Mental health and resilience during the coronavirus pandemic: A machine learning approach, Kristin W. Samuelson, Kelly Dixon, Joshua Jordan, et al.
Phased Return of Students to 77 Transitional Kindergarten-8th Grade Schools with Cohesive Mitigation Strategies Serving as Protective Factors Against the Increase of COVID-19 Cases in Marin County: September 2020-January 2021, Shayne Q. Paff, Rochelle Ereman, Lisa Santora, et al.
Rattlesnake Kinship: Indigeneity, Disability, Animality, Vivian Delchamps
Reflecting on an academic career: associations between past mentoring investments and career benefits, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Kevin Erikson, et al.
Review of: Walker Gore, Clare. Plotting Disability in the Nineteenth-Century Novel. Edinburgh University Press, 2020, Vivian Delchamps
Rising Stars and Underdogs: The Role Race and Parental Education Play in Predicting Mentorship, Veronica Fruiht, Jordan Boeder, and Thomas Chan