This collection represents a sample of scholarship from various academic departments across Dominican University of California.
Scholarship from 2014
The Art of the Kaizen Approach for Sugar Production in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Methara Sugar Factory, Asayehgn Desta
The Poetics of Talk in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, Amy Wong
Using Literature for Project Based Learning, Jacquelyn Urbani
Using phylogenetically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms, Daniel I. Speiser, M. Sabrina Pankey, Alexander K. Zaharoff, et al.
Utility of an Occupational Therapy Driving Intervention for a Combat Veteran, Sherrilene Classen, Miriam Monahan, Maria Canonizado, et al.
Voces Del Canal: Building Safe Communities Through Strong Partnerships in the Canal, Julia Van der Ryn, Jennifer Lucko, Tom Wilson, et al.
Articles from 2013
Are physical, cognitive, and perceptual exercises effective at improving abilities associated with driving (such as behavioral speed, visual attention, psychomotor performance, speed of perception, and executive functioning) in older adults compared to a control group of older adults not participating in an exercise group?, Caitlin Danae McIntyre, Regina Okun, Josue Julian Zamora, et al.
Atoning for the Sins of the Fatherland: The Gendered Nationalism of the Ecumenical Sisterhood of Mary, George Faithful
A Transformative Experience for Occupational Therapy Students in a Simulated Learning Environment, Kitsum Li and Barbara McCamish
Chronic Cadmium Exposure Stimulates SDF-1 Expression in an ERα Dependent Manner, Esmeralda Ponce, Natalie B. Aquino, and Maggie Louie
Clinical Reasoning in the use of Slings for Patients with Shoulder Subluxation After Stroke: A Glimpse of the Practice Phenomenon in California, Kitsum Li, Naoko Murai, and Simon Chi
"Coming Out": The Occupational Impact for Gay Men, Karen McCarthy
Computer-Based Cognitive Retraining for Adults with Chronic Acquired Brain Injury: A Pilot Study, Kitsum Li, Julie Robertson, Joshua Ramos, et al.
Constellation Translation: A Canadian Noh Play, Judy Halebsky
Dance of Anguish: Poetic Texts from 1920s Korea, Wayne de Fremery
Depth of the Surface, Marianne Rogoff
Does dance-based therapy improve balance and mobility in older adults?, Emily Ann Dodge, Florina Mendoza-Battle, Tanya Elesia Orgill, et al.
Does fall risk education tailored by motivation increase fall risk identification and fall prevention behaviors in community-dwelling older adults when compared to fall risk education tailored by authenticity?, Jonathan William Alonso, Brittnee Jane Witham, Cournety Brooke McIntosh, et al.
Do low vision interventions, including prescription and training in the use of low vision devices, such as magnifiers, telescopes, selective transmission lenses, electronic devices, and computers, enhance older adults’ vision in reading standard labels on medication bottles?, Vanessa Mae Clemente Carzon, Mallory Hope Engelhardt, Amanda Marie Woods, et al.
Driving Characteristics of Teens With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sherrilene Classen, Miriam Monahan, and Yanning Wang
Economic Analysis of Lean Wastes: Case Studies of Textile and Garment Industries in Ethiopia, Tsegay Tesfay Mezgebe, Hadush Berhe Asgedom, and Asayehgn Desta
Engaging with First Responders to Prevent Falls in Older Adults, Ted Peterson, Ruth Ramsey, Monica Fernandez, et al.
Expanding Access to Malaria Diagnosis through Retail Shops in Western Kenya: What Do Shop Workers Think?, Andria Rusk, Catherine Goodman, Violet Naanyu, et al.
Exploring the World of Business: Pairing Domain Business Knowledge with Professional and Career Development in the Undergraduate Business Core, Denise M. Lucy, Lisa Chiapetta, Mona Sabuco, et al.
Faculty and Student Perceptions and Behaviours Related to Information Literacy: A Pilot Study Using Triangulation, Barbara Jean Ganley, Amy Gilbert, and Dianne Rosario
For community-dwelling older adults with functional limitations, does an occupational therapy home modification intervention program that includes the provision of adaptive equipment and/or architectural renovations to the home help improve occupational performance and satisfaction with the ability to perform everyday activities?, Sarah Jane Dequis Calub, Matthew Jordan Carlson, Monica Fernandez, et al.
For patients with acute cerebral vascular accident, is virtual reality gaming more effective than standard recreational therapy for the improvement of hand function?, Amy Marie Sequeira Boeschen, Elizabeth Jeanne Szoboszlay, Martha Welderufael, et al.
Heart Rate Turbulence in Patients with Respiratory Failure. [Abstract], Patricia R.E. Harris and Barbara Drew
Hospitality as Companionship and Justice, Laura Stivers
Integrating Instructional Technology into a Teacher Education Program: A Three-Tiered Approach, Elizabeth Truesdell and Rebecca Birch
Integration of Interactive Instructional Technology in the Teaching Credential Program: A Case Study, Elizabeth Truesdell and Rebecca Birch
Interculturality: Where Do We Go From Here?, Jennifer Lucko and Alicia Re Cruz
Model Minority on the Modernization Project: Images of Chinese Religiosity in America, Emily Wu
Open Space Sacred Ground: Artist Talk, Foad Satterfield
Prevalence and Prognostic Significance of Long QT Interval among Patients with Chest Pain: Selecting an Optimum QT Rate Correction Formula, Amer A. Hasanien, Barbara J. Drew, Jill Howie-Esquivel, et al.
Prognostic Value of Heart Rate Turbulence for Risk Assessment in Patients with Unstable Angina and Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Patricia R.E. Harris, Phyllis K. Stein, Gordon L. Fung, et al.
Remix Perspective: Transdisciplinary Insights for the Art of Writing, Marianne Rogoff
[Review] Earth-Honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key. Larry Rasmussen, Laura Stivers
[Review] Stories from the Street: A Theology of Homelessness. David Nixon, Laura Stivers
Salvation from Illusion, Salvation by Illusion: The Gospel According to Christopher Nolan, George Faithful
Stories That Shape Us, Mojgan Behmand
The Boon of Korea's Twentieth-Century Books, Wayne de Fremery
The Dominican Big History Summer Institute: A Story of Collective Learning, Mojgan Behmand
The July Government and the Parisian Catholic Press, 1830-1848, M. Patricia Dougherty
The Men Behind the March: Randolph and Rustin Together Again, Cynthia Taylor
The Pedagogical Value of Polling: A Coordinated 2012 Exit Poll Project Across Diverse Classrooms, Jennifer Kelkres Emery, Alison D. Howard, and Jocelyn Evans
Three R’s to the Rescue – Revitalizing Portfolios with Risk Factors, Regime Analysis and Robust Risk Management Systems, Frederick E. Dopfel and Catherine LeGraw
Uprooting Where Others Sowed? Presbyterian and Moravian Missionaries in Russian Orthodox Alaska, George Faithful
Using Expression Profiling to Understand the Effects of Chronic Cadmium Exposure on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells, Zelmina Lubovac-Pilav, Daniel M. Borras, Esmeralda Ponce, et al.
Why Self-proclaimed Kaizen Management is becoming very fashionable in Ethiopia? An Observation, Asayehgn Desta