This collection represents a sample of scholarship from various academic departments across Dominican University of California.
Scholarship from 2012
Big History, Big Lesson, Mojgan Behmand and Jaime Castner
Compromised Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis in Transgenic Mice Results in Defective Protein Lipoylation and Energy Disequilibrium, Stuart Smith, Andrej Witkowski, Ayesha Moghul, et al.
Does Anti-malarial Drug Knowledge Predict Anti-malarial Dispensing Practice in drug outlets? A Survey of Medicine Retailers in Western Kenya., Andria Rusk, Nathan Smith, Diana Menya, et al.
Evolution and development in cave animals: from fish to crustaceans, Meredith E. Protas and William R. Jeffery
Feasibility and Compliance with Daily Home ECG Monitoring of the QT Interval in Heart Transplant Recipients, Erik V. Carter, Kathleen T. Hickey, David M. Pickham, et al.
Feasibility and Compliance with Daily Home ECG Monitoring of the QT Interval in Heart Transplant Recipients, Erik V. Carter, Kathleen T. Hickey, David M. Pickham, et al.
Growth and Importance of the Catholic Periodical Press in Paris, 1830-1848, M. Patricia Dougherty
Inverting the Eagle to Embrace the Star of David: The Nationalist Roots of German Christian Zionism, George Faithful
Investigating the Antimalarial Action of 1,2,4-Trioxolanes with Fluorescent Chemical Probes, Carmony L. Hartwig, Erica Lauterwasser, Sumit Mahajan, et al.
Liberal Arts Education is Becoming More Important, Nicola Pitchford
Living with Significant Other is Associated with Lower Risk for Emergency Readmission after Unstable Angina & Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction. [Abstract 12064], Patricia R.E. Harris and Barbara Drew
Living with Significant Other is Associated with Lower Risk for Emergency Readmission after Unstable Angina & Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction [Poster 12064], Patricia R.E. Harris and Barbara Drew
Mauritius as a Success Story for FDI: What Strategy and Policy Lessons can Emerging Markets Learn?, Brinda Sooreea-Bheemul and Rajeev Sooreea
Mutation in the Plasmodium falciparum CRT protein determines the stereospecific activity of antimalarial cinchona alkaloids, Carol E. Griffin, Jonathan M. Hoke, Upeka Samarakoon, et al.
Policy and Practice: The Influence of Participation in the Vote Smart Challenge on Teacher Credential Candidates, Elizabeth Truesdell
Poster presentation: Big History: From a History Course to a First Year Contextualization of the Whole Person, Mojgan Behmand
Quality Control – How to make sure you add the right hedge fund to your soup, Frederick E. Dopfel
Seven Faces of Sin: A Study Guide to Biblical Models for How Evil Originates and How it can be Overcome, Scott Gambrill Sinclair
Sin Boldly! Or, First-Year Experience ‘Big History’ in 21st Century Liberal Education, Mojgan Behmand
Sustainable Local Development. The Revitalization of the Town of Adwa (Ethiopia) through Community-Based Endogenous Projects, Asayehgn Desta
The Continuing Saga of Globalism: Comparing Ethiopia’s Developmental State Strategies to those of Malaysia, Asayehgn Desta
The Emergence of a Dual-System of Primary Schooling in Ethiopia and Its Impact, Asayehgn Desta
The Emergency Mind: How We Adjust to and Cope with Living in Dangerous Places, Matt Davis
The Impact of Incorporating of Pharmacogenomics into the Pharmacy Curriculum on Student Interest, Natalya Vaksman, Mitchell Barnett, Leann Hakobyan, et al.
The Psychotherapist Meets Death: Perspectives on Clinical Education in the Area of Death and Dying, LeeAnn Bartolini
The Role of Cadmium and Nickel in Estrogen Receptor Signaling and Breast Cancer: Metalloestrogens or Not?, Natalie B. Aquino, Mary B. Sevigny, Jackielyn Sabangan, et al.
Transformative Leadership, Maureen Garvin, Chuck Marsh, Clint Samples, et al.
Translation as Blood Loss: German Lutheran and American Presbyterian Variations on a Medieval Catholic Hymn, George Faithful
Understanding the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on U.S. SMEs' Trade Exports to BRIC, Jayati Ghosh, Denise Lucy, and Françoise Lepage
Women in Chinsapo, Malawi: vulnerability and risk to HIV/AIDS, Jayati Ghosh and Ezekiel Kalipeni
Scholarship from 2011
A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Transferability of the the Japanese Kaizen Management Techniques to Manufacturing Plants in Ethiopia, Asayehgn Desta
A Once Promising but Now Wounded Nation: A Review of Dr. Bereket Habte Selassie's Book on Eritrea, Asayehgn Desta
Density Functional Calculation of the Structure and Electronic Properties of CunOn (n = 1−8) Clusters, Gyun-Tack Bae, Randall Hall, and Barry Dellinger
Economic Growth and Income Convergence in Ethiopia: A Critique, Asayehgn Desta
Embedding Information Literacy in Educational Research Graduate Classes, Madalienne F. Peters and Suzanne Roybal
Environmental and Economic Injustice - From Classroom to Community, Laura Stivers
Evaluating Driving as a Valued Instrumental Activity of Daily Living, Anne E. Dickerson, Timothy Reistetter, Elin Schold Davis, et al.
Genetic basis of eye and pigment loss in the cave crustacean, Asellus aquaticus, Meredith E. Protas, Peter Trontelj, and Nipam H. Patel
Lifestyle Redesign®: Current Applications in an Outpatient Clinic, Camille Dieterle, Karen McCarthy, Susan McNulty, et al.
Peak Oil and Transition: The Making of a Documentary Video, John A. Duvall
Presidents and the Rhetoric of Recessions, Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
Putting John on Trial: Teaching Christology by Using the Classroom as a Courtroom, George Faithful
Reversing Ethiopia's Intellectual Capital Flight, Asayehgn Desta
Tackling Poverty by Ethiopians or Globalization Wave: A Book Review, Asayehgn Desta
The Digital Mind and the Future of Liberal Arts Education, Harlan Stelmach and Martin Anderson
Tracking Identity: Academic Performance and Ethnic Identity among Ecuadorian Immigrant Teenagers in Madrid, Jennifer Lucko
Scholarship from 2010
Advancing Individual and Societal Development at the Community Level: Role of NGO Microcredit and Leadership Training, Denise M. Lucy, Jayati Ghosh, and Edward Kujawa
Alchemy in Education: Towards a Preschool Model in College Classrooms, Brad Van Alstyne
A Rabbi and Twelve-Hundred Missionaries Walk into a Conference: Philo-Semitism and Anti-Semitism at Edinburgh, 1910, George Faithful