This collection represents a sample of scholarship from various academic departments across Dominican University of California.
Scholarship from 2015
Increasing Effective Service and Support for Students on the Autism Spectrum, Jacquelyn Urbani, Billye Brown, and Colleen Arnold
Keeping Your Thesis Legal, Gareth Johnson, Tania Rowlett, Rob Melocha, et al.
Lack of Artemisinin Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in Uganda Based on Parasitological and Molecular Assays, Roland A. Cooper, Melissa D. Conrad, Quentin D. Watson, et al.
Lack of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to dihydroartemisinin in Uganda based on parasitogolgical and molecular assays, Roland A. Cooper, Melissa D. Conrad, Quentin D. Watson, et al.
Mild Cognitive Impairment in Heart Failure Affects Care Transition, Kitsum Li and Kristin Myers
Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter, PfCRT, enlarge the parasite's food vacuole and alter drug sensitivities, Serena Pulcini, Henry M. Staines, Andrew H. Lee, et al.
OT on College Campuses: Emerging Models Faciltitating Student Success Through Occupation, Lisa Crabtree, Carlin Daley, Jeanne Eichler, et al.
OT, SLP, AT & the IEP…Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup, Laura Greiss Hess and Kerrie Lemons Chitwood
Place Matters: Mount Tamalpais in Marin County, California as Site and Insight, Leslie D. Ross
Resistance Inducers and Plant Growth Regulators Show only Limited and Transient Effects on Infection Rates, Growth Rates and Symptom Expression of Apple Trees Infected with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’, Silva Schmidt, Sanja Baric, Maya Massenz, et al.
Sovereignty and Democracy in Ethiopia: A Reflection on Gebru Asrat's Book, Asayehgn Desta
The Labyrinth as Heart and Holder of Personal Pilgrimage, Cindy Pavlinac
The Sign Learning Kink (SiLK) based Quantum Monte Carlo for Molecular Systems, Xiaoyao Ma, Frank Loffler, Randall Hall, et al.
The Why and Where of Big History: Building a Program, Mojgan Behmand
Scholarship from 2014
Analysis of Kaizen Implementation in Northern Ethiopia’s Manufacturing Industries, Asayehgn Desta, Hadush Berhe Asgedom, Alula Gebresas, et al.
Analysis of Patient Alarms in Adult Intensive Care Units, Patricia R.E. Harris
A Safety Mnemonic for Pediatric Oncology Patients: Knowledge, Confidence and Skills Accuracy During Simulation, Luanne Linnard-Palmer and Barbara Ganley
Banking Sector Reform in Ethiopia, Admassu Bezabeh and Asayehgn Desta
California's Contributions to the U.S. Export Profile, Denise M. Lucy, Françoise Lepage, and Jayati Ghosh
Cheating on Online Assessment Tests: Prevalence and Impact on Validity, Thomas Cavanagh
Critically Appraised paper for "Does cognitive treatment for illness perceptions increase patient-specific physical activity levels of patients with chronic low back pain when compared to no intervention?", Jaclyn Fok, Shannon Landau, Liberty Bellah, et al.
Developing Compassion Through Travel, LeeAnn Bartolini
Driving Errors in Parkinson’s Disease: Moving Closer to Predicting On-Road Outcomes, Sherrilene Classen, Babetter Brumback, Miriam Monahan, et al.
Education in Action: Service-Learning Celebrating 10 Years, Julia Van der Ryn
Effects of Sertraline Treatment for Young Children with FXS, Laura Greiss Hess, Peter Mundy, and Randi Hagerman
Embedding Information Literacy Skills in Undergraduate Research Studies, Madalienne F. Peters, Suzanne Roybal, Atria Romero, et al.
Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (EPFRs). 3. Free versus Bound Hydroxyl Radicals in EPFR Aqueous Solutions, Lavrent Khachatryan, Cheri A. McFerrin, Randall W. Hall, et al.
Evidence-Based Review of Interventions for Medically At-Risk Older Drivers, Sherilenne Classen, Miriam Monahan, Beth Auten, et al.
Family Meanings, Contexts and Hopes Within a Clinical Trial, Laura Greis Hess, Cynthia Carter Ching, and Randi Hagerman
For younger patients with stroke, does rehabilitation in the home, compared to rehabilitation in the day clinic, improve early level of activity participation?, Elizabeth Ashley Brown, Alex Robert Shragg, Jovita Vasquez, et al.
Gelang: A Photography of Belonging, Chase Clow
Heart Rate Variability Measured Early in Patients with Evolving Acute Coronary Syndrome and 1-year Outcomes of Rehospitalization and Mortality, Patricia R.E. Harris, Phyllis K. Stein, Gordon L. Fung, et al.
Heart Rate Variability Measurement and Clinical Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Narrative Review of Recent Literature, Patricia R.E. Harris, Claire E. Sommargren, Phyllis K. Stein, et al.
"Here your ambitions are illusions": Boundaries of Integration and Ethnicity Among Ecuadorian Immigrant Teenagers in Madrid, Jennifer Lucko
How Higher Ed Can Improve Equity with Technology, Mary B. Marcy
Innovation in Nō: Matsui Akira Continues a Tradition of Change, Mariko Anno and Judy Halebsky
Insights into the Problem of Alarm Fatigue with Physiologic Monitor Devices: A Comprehensive Observational Study of Consecutive Intensive Care Unit Patients, Barbara J. Drew, Patricia Harris, Jessica K. Zègre-Hemsey, et al.
Intercultural Partnering for the Benefit of South Africa Township High School Students, Janis Davis, Emily Ann Dodge, and Martha Welderufael
Kim So-wŏl’s Chindallaekkot (Azaleas) as an Immersive Environment, Wayne de Fremery and JuSub Kim
Older Adults and Technology-Based Instruction: Optimizing Learning Outcomes and Transfer, Natalie Wolfson, Thomas Cavanagh, and Kurt Kraiger
Patient Characteristics Associated with False Arrhythmia Alarms in Intensive Care [Abstract 19717], Patricia R.E. Harris, Jessica Zègre-Hemsey, Tina Mammone, et al.
Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Interprofessional Education Based on a Multidisciplinary Faculty Member Survey, David Benjamin Lash, Mitchell J. Barnett, Nirali Parekh, et al.
Printshops, Pressmen, and the Poetic Page in Colonial Korea, Wayne de Fremery
Remembering Gina Berriault, Marianne Rogoff
Review of "Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh: Reading with and beyond Aristotle" by Mae J. Smethurst, Judy Halebsky
Savage Messiah: Ken Russell's Forgotten Masterpiece, John A. Duvall
Slimmer, Brighter, and Nearly Perfect: The New Big History Textbook Is Here, Mojgan Behmand
Solidarity Ethics: Transformation in a Globalized World by Rebecca Todd Peters, Laura Stivers
Steaming Inactivates Phytophthora ramorum, Causal Agent of Sudden Oak Death and Ramorum Blight, from Infested Nursery Soils in California, Wolfgang Schweigkofler, Kathleen Kosta, Vernon Huffman, et al.
Teaching Asian Religions from Within Asian American Community, Emily Wu