The Archbishop Alemany Library began the collection of electronic master's theses and capstone projects in 2012; this collection represents the theses that have collected since then.
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Applied Sport & Performance Psychology | Art Therapy | Biological Sciences | Business Administration | Clinical Lab Sciences | Counseling Psychology | Creative Writing | Education | Humanities | Nursing | Public Administration | Occupational Therapy
Theses/Capstones from 2016
Using art therapy to increase reading motivation in below grade-level readers, Celia J. Gagnon
Using mindful mandala making to ground and center military spouses, Katrina Mary Bobo
Utilizing art therapy journaling to decrease insomnia and promote sleep hygiene, Emily A.R. Coffee
Theses/Capstones from 2015
Accents in Visual Language: Correlating Language Script Directionality with Bridge Drawing Interpretations, Nava Attia-Benoit
African American/Latina High School Girls’ Preoccupation with Concepts of Personal Beauty: The Impact on Self-Worth and Academic Performance, Bobbie Williams
A Matter of Balance: Program Outcomes for Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Tiffany Lau, Victoria Reyes, Adrienne Angeles, and Leslie Hollaway
Analysis of Pre Test and Post Test Performance of Students in a Learning Center Model at the Elementary School Level, Marion E. Schalich
An Analysis of the Changing Competitive Landscape in the Hotel Industry Regarding Airbnb, Dean D. Lehr
An Object Relations Approach to LGBTQ Perspective of Self-Exploration Through Art, Brittany M. Dray
Art Therapy Trainee's Attitudes and Beliefs About Self-Care, Jennifer C. Priday
Assessment of ELL Written Language Progress in Designated ESL Noncredit Courses at the Community College Level, Janet L. Daugherty
A Study of How Art Therapy May Cause Reduction of Anxiety and Increase in Reminiscing in Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Alexis Stephano
Bridge/Adapt: A Systematic Cognitive Rehabilitation Curriculum, Julie S. Bergen, Natalie Repin, Amy Bennet, and Abigail LaFrenz
Building Depth of Understanding of the Concept of Number Sense and Algebra in Students Grades 7 and 8, Catherine Janes
Collateral Damage: Exploring the Metaphors and Realities of War in Three Fictional Narratives, Jessica N. Dancisak
Common Core Math and Critical Reasoning, Lorna M. Hayman
Creating a Positive Emotional Climate in an Elementary School Classroom, Nicole Good
Cultural Views of Special Education, LeAnn M. Hall
Decreasing Postpartum Depression Using Process Oriented Art Therapy, Stephanie Balistreri
Development of Quantitative Tools for the Characterization and Analysis of the Blood Brain Barrier in Normal and MPS IIIB Mice, Sara M. Rigney
Driving with the Dead: Stories of Loss, Journey, and Wonder, Valerie Silver
Dyadic Art Therapy and Stress Reduction, Sara Clement
Eco-Art therapy's Effect on Existential Well-Being and Connectedness to Nature with Families Experiencing Bereavement, Faith Reyes
Ectodomain Mutations Alter the Proteolysis of the Amyloid-β Precursor Protein (APP), Michael S. Mitsumori
Effective Practices for Developing Academic Language and Writing Skills in English Language Learners in the Elementary School Setting, Jenna N. Emadzadeh
Efficient In Vitro Development of Photoreceptors from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Joseph C. Reynolds
Elements of a Strategic Implementation Plan: Implications for Enhancing Combination Classes Using a Multiage Framework, Tracy Harding
Enhancement of Empathy Among Elementary School Children of Varying Cultural Backgrounds, Gioia Schuler
Examining student athlete attitudes towards art therapy, Brendan T. H. McNally
Exit Tickets' Effect on Engagement and Concept Attainment in High School Science, Amy Mastromonaco
Exploring the Coming Out Experience Through Animal Self-portraiture, Spencer John Lethbridge Fredin
Exploring the Efficacy of Transpersonal Art Therapy in Fostering Postraumatic Growth with Young Adults Aging Out of Foster Care, Hope Schachter
FRET: Validity of a Fall Risk Evaluation Tool for Individuals with Acquired Brain Injuries, Desiree Shaver, Colon Mikaela, Irene Leung, and Melanie Shea
From Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to Substance Use Disorder: Perspectives from Recovering Addicts, Elena Potovsky
Giving a Voice to the Parent/Guardians/Caregivers of Students with Special Needs: Advocacy for Services, Sara Cofiell
Greek Subculture, Fan-Based Art-Making, and Identity Development: Implications for Use in Art Therapy, Kathryn C. Bender
Helping English Language Learners Develop Writing Proficiency Using the Thesis Evidence Model in the High School Social Studies Classroom, Keith R. Fleming
Helping Parents Navigate Occupational Therapy in the IEP Process, Noelle Bakken, Kelly Calton, Molly Hyland, and Shannon Landau
Increasgin Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy in Fromerly Incarcerated Adult Women Using Narrative Art Therapy, Caitlyn Ehisen
Increasing Communication with Couples Using Art Therapy, Jason Pierce
Increasing Hope: Using Cognitive Behavioral Art Therapy and mindfulness with Patients with Chronic Pain, Catherine Louise Falkenhagen
Increasing Phonemic Awareness in Kindergarten Students: Using iPads in Language Arts Centers, Michelle Harrison
Increasing Quality of Life in Cystic Fibrosis Adolescents Using Art Therapy, Jennifer Eng
Increasing Relationship Satisfaction with Premarital Couples Using Art Therapy, Kristin Tai Clark
Increasing Self-Awareness in Women with Substance Abuse Disorders Utilizing Mindfulness Based Knitting in Group Art Therapy, Chelsea Owens
Interprofessional Collaboration Between Occupational Therapists and Nurses in an Acute Care Setting: An Exploratory Study, Bethany Loy, Holly Micheff, Kelly Nguyen, and Vincent O'Brien
Investigating Potential Therapies to Decrease the Rate of Cystine Stone Growth in Slc3a1-/- Mice, Sruthi Damodar
Investigation of Dual Stage Acridones as a Potent Malaria Treatment, Stephanie Huezo