Theses/Capstones from 2012
Contemporary Practice Patterns and Trends of Mental Health Occupational Therapists in California, Cassie Whittington
The Spiritual Occupations of Older Adults: A Qualitative Study, Emily Ann Sheridan
Theses/Capstones from 2011
Adaptations of Older Drivers: A Retrospective Study, Ashleigh Relvas, Jackie Torvestad, and Max Zweig
An Evidence Based Review of Computer-Assisted Cognitive Remediation Programs for People with Traumatic Brain Injury, Mitch Riker and Gina Stires
A Qualitative Review of Occupational Therapists' Listening Experiences in End of Life Care, Michele Asuncion, Jennifer Rabello, Caitlin Silangcruz, and Elizabeth van Dyk
Asperger's Syndrome and High Fuctioning Autism: A Resource guide for Individuals and their Families in Marin County, California, Rita Caskey, Laura Pehle, and Kimberly Woodland
Body positions and Movements of Pediatric Occupational Therapists Working in Sensory Integration Clinics and the Impact on Occupational Participation, Chloe Conroy, Kerry Gates, and Heather Jantz
Caregivers and Young Adults with Mental Illness: Perspectives on Listening Needs and Quality of Life, Jennifer Nicole Bueby and Genevieve Galicia Tuazon
Evidence-Based Practice: Using Evidence to Support Clinical Practice in Occupational Therapy, Lori Louise Lawerence, Julie Palana, and Carlos I. Diaz Rios
Increasing Occupational Performance in Adults with Serious Mental Illness: A Train the Trainer Model, Ann Ruderman and Vanessa Ghiringhelli
Increasing Ocupational Performance and Fall Self-Efficacy in Older Adults: The "Stepping On" Program, Emmy Alexander and Andrea Kjelstrom
Promoting Fall Self-Efficacy and Fall Risk Awareness in Older Adults, Adriana Garcia, Dagmara Marciniak, Lauren McCune, and Erica Smith
Promoting Well-Being through Engagement in Occupations for Older Adults with Memory Loss: The Well-Being Project, Joyce Bodestyne, Anabelle Escueta, and Christina Nguyen
The Relationship Between Weight Status, Quality of Life, and Social and Leisure Participation in Middle School Aged Children: A Mixed Methods Study, Brooke Cappa, Miranda Dabbs, Amy Lee, and Elizabeth Murray
Walker Use in Older Adults: Impact on Occupations, Mark Navasca, Lauren Pillon, and Julie Talcott-Fuller
Theses/Capstones from 2010
An Occupational Therapy Pilot Supported Education Program for Young Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities Using a Cognitive Remediation Approach, Robyn Hood and Deepti Kumar
Gardening as a Meaningful Occupation for Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness: A Change Project, Amanda Harness
Investigating the Experience of Occupational Performance and Life Satisfaction of Fathers of Children with Disabilities, Andrea Pavic and Rhiana Gulesserian
Occupational Performance of College Student-Athletes, Ashley Mills
Occupational Therapists" Perceptions of using Behavioral Approaches with Children with Autism, Kristi Lynn Allison
Occupational Therapy and the Occupation of Listening: Comparing Students with Experienced Practicioners, Monica Palatnikov and Jessica Froiland
Occupations of School-Aged Children with Siblings with Cognitive and Behavioral Disabilities, Courtney M. Harris
Prevalence of Sensory Processing Disorders in Kindergarten and First Grade and the Impact on Occupational Particiaption in School, Lauren Armstrong, Katie Harshbarger, and Margaret Kuffel
Promoting Body Satisfaction in Adolescent Females Through Engagement in Healthy Occupations: A Preventative School-Based Intervention Workshop, Kaitlyn Buckley