"The Law of Charity & Segregation in the Catholic School" by Benita Francis Curley

The Law of Charity & Segregation in the Catholic School

Graduation Date

Spring 1962

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Degree Granting Institution

Catholic University of America

Program Name



A few years ago in a certain Southern town a young Catholic Negro student made application to* and was received into, what was until the day she arrived, a segregated Catholic school for white children only. The school authorities had decided that the time had come for all race segregation bars to be removed irom their school, that their enforced compromise with Christian principles was no longer necessary and should therefore end. But the change from what had been the policy in the past to what would be the policy in the future was not an easy one. This first step in integration brought to the surface many of the closeted ills which are the necessary accompaniment of race segregation wherever maintained. The Law of Charity was very little in evidence in the conversation or actions of those who voiced strong opposition to the integration of the only Catholic high school in that particular town.

…This thesis attempts to explore somewhat the questions rais by the above and similar incidents: Can the Law of Charity function as it should in a racially segregated school? If one particular race is perpetually roped off from the others, is it possible to teach the great natural truth and Christian doctrine that all men, essentially one under God, hare only accidental differences of color, race, and nationality.' Is it possible to teach the dignity, equality, and sacredness of the human personality in a school which refuses admittance to Negroes, simply because they are Negroes? Is it possible to each the brotherhood of all men in Christ in a school which closes its doors to Negro brothers? Is it possible to convince the children in segregated schools of the basic truth of the Law of Charity – that we must love all men irrespective of accidental characteristics, since in each Christ is actually or potentially a dweller, and that we must love Him in them?

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