As the only Master of Arts in Art Therapy program in Northern California, Dominican University of California offers an intimate on-campus learning environment designed to prepare students for successful careers in art therapy while encouraging the artistic and therapeutic process.

This site brings together a collection of master's theses and doctoral dissertations from the students of the Art Therapy program.


Theses/Capstones from 2015

Photography as Therapy: Reducing Chronic Stress in Women Experienceing Role-Overload, Christine M. Shea

Resolving Interpersonal Conflict Using an Art Therapy forgiveness Intervention, Sasha Georgeson

The Application of Mindfulness Based Art Therapy to Reduce Stress for Teachers, Melissa Jennifer Robinson


Using art therapy to reduce anxiety in college athletes transitioning out of sport, Theresa Hart Black

Using "Identity Tower":An Art Therapy Intervention for Increasing Perceived Social Identity in Workplace Groups, Julia Hammett

Viewing the AIDS Memorial Quilt: A Study on Empathic Attitudes and Behaviors, Social Advocacy and Art Therapy, Jeannie Star Olson

Theses/Capstones from 2014

An Art Therapy Program for Artists with Disabilities, Mariah Dancing

Art-Making in the Digital Age: Comparing the Use of Tablet Technology and Traditional Art Materials Among Studetns on the Autism Spectrum, Joleigh Davis-McBryan

Art Therapy and Transition with Retirees: A Narrative Appoach with Altered Books, Liana J. Shaw

Art Therapy as a Tool to Increase Independent Peer Interactions in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christel S.G. Berry

Art Therapy in Art Museums: Promoting Social Connectedness and Psychological Well-being of Older Adults, Rose Bennington

Art Therapy in Schools: Reducing Anxiety in English Learning Learners, Christina Clampett

Collage Art Therapy and Grief: How Art Therapy Can Improve Grief Symptoms and the Quality of Life for Adults in Bereavement, Lynne M. Prieto

Decreasing Social Isolation: Combining Narrative Therapy and Art Therapy in Supporting Veterans, Jose D. Rojales

Ecopsychology, Mindfulness, and Art Therapy Interventions to Reduce Emotional Dysregulation in the Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) Population, Kasey L. Connors

GREAT: Open Studio Program to Assess and Treat PTSD in Veterans, Gretchen Gullicksen Grant

Mindfulness Based Art Therapy Used to Facilitate Mindfulness and Promote Positive Coping Skills for Nurses Experiencing Occupational Stress and Related Symptoms, Frances Fazzio

Stories Unearthed: Clay therapy with Older Adults Using a Narrative Art Therapy Approach, Maria G. Sandidad

The Difference in Self-Efficacy Between First Year and Final Year Graduate Students in Art Therapy Training, Ya-Wen Huang

The Emergence of Critical Thinking in Children: A Cognitive-Behavioral Inquiry-based Art Therapy Program, Corinne Hajnik

The Impact of Response Art on Therapist Empathic Understanding: Drawing a Picture from a Client's Perspective, Alison Jackson

The Meaning of Art Therapy and Equine Assisted Therapy with Adolescents, Samantha Louise Tucker

Using Art Therapy and TF-CBT to Reduce Anxiety adn Depression in Adolescents Who Have Sexually Offended, Kathryn King

Using Narrative Art Therapy to Explore Acculturative Stress Among First Generation Japanese Immigrant Women Married to U.S.-Born Spouses, Yasuno Yoshizawa

Theses/Capstones from 2013

"Art of Dreaming" A Humanistic-Experiential Approach for Integrating Art Therapy into a Dream Group, Clementine Do

Art Therapy and Chinese Immigrant Mental Health: Acculturation of Chinese Adolescents in the United States - A Female Chinese Teenager Support Group, Chia-I Ruby Jen

Art Therapy and Movimeiento with Hispanic Youth, Alexis Nicole Aquino

Art Therapy as a Treatment Modality for Processing Recurring Dreams and Anxiety, Nicole Hallenbeck

A Survey of Sandplay Therapy Practices Among Licensed Psychotherapists, Melissa Sherman

AVPT Art Assessment with Survivors of Human Trafficking, Jessica Jarocki

Bereaved Adults' Art Therapy Group, Andrea Hans

CAS with Art and Chronic Pain: The Effects of Clearing a Space with Art on Women with Chronic Pain, Jenny McGrath

Creating Symbols to Identify and Stabilize Character Traits: Using Art Therapy and Positive Psychology Perspective with Adolescents in Residential Substance Abuse Treatment, Faith Matter-Kratzer

Dance Movement and Narrative Art Therapy for Adolescent Girls: A Combined Treatment Approach, Lindsay Parkinson

Digital Art Therapy with Older Adults: An Exploration of the iPad as a Medium, Melissa Kinches

Dreams, Art and Well-Being: A Positive Psychology Approach to Bringing Awareness to Dreams, Margaret Ann Gammie

Examining the Effects of an Art Therapy Group on Resilience and Externalizing Problems with Sixth Grade Latino Males Transitioning to Middle School, Yesenia Villa

Focus on Fatherhood: A Visual Journe Using Phototherapy Techniques With At-Risk Teen Fathers, Abby Zimberg

Fostering Resiliency in School Aged Children Through Art Therapy Group Interventions, Ruth Doyle

Harnessing Technology: Art Therapy as Early Intervention in School-Based Counseling for Latino Adolescents with Low SES, Tiffany Landis

Identifying Contemporary Feminist Awareness Through Art: The History and Role of Empowerment in a Proposed Feminist Art Therapy Working Model, Erika Pappas

I Feel Beautiful: A Narrative Art Therapy Group Designed to Increase Positive Body Image and Self-Esteem in Adult Women, Chelsea Hunter

Increasing Optimism in Adolescents: An Integrative Intervention of Positive Psychology, The Mindup Program, Mindfulness, Yoga, and Art Therapy, Elizabeth Doyle

Increasing Resilience Through Art Therapy in Children with Domestic Violence Exposure, Katleen M. Gilliland

Journeys of Resilience: Awareness of Self-Strength and Coping in the Young Adult Alopecia Areata Population Through Madala Art Therapy, Heather Curtis

Lifting the Voices of Second-Generation Latinos in the Community Through Film, Emily Claire Beirl

Making Meaning of Diabetes Through Art Therapy: An Adjunct to Disease Management in Pediatric Youth, Christine Chanteloup

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy and Stress Reduction with Veterans Living in Transitional Housing, Chanel R. Wittmershaus

Narrative Art Therapy with Career Counseling to Promote Insight and Decsion-making After Experienceing Job Loss, Sara J. Armstrong

Reminiscence Through Collage: Elders newly Transitioning into an Assisted Living Community, Kelly Kanclerowicz