Theses/Capstones from 2006
Rural Physicians' Perceptions, Beliefs, and Practice Patterns: Catalysts or Barriers to the Diffusion of Complementary Medicine, Mary Anne G. Keane
The Effect of Glucosamine Usage Combined with Non-Traditional Exercise on the Ability to Meet Self-Care Requisities for Clients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Cheryl Hunter-Marston
The Effects of Change in Barometric Pressure on Arthritis Pain, Cynthia Cammack
Theses/Capstones from 2005
Complementary and Alternattve Medicine: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of Oncology Nurses, Alicia Terrado-Locquiao
Description of Registered Nurse's Knowledge and Practice of the Nurse Coach Role, Jonalyn M. Wallace
Effectiveness of Self-Care Intervention to Reduce Staff Nurse Stress, Shari Cassidy
Expressive Arts and Journaling: The Effect of a Nurse-Run Workshop on the Anxiety/Stress of Health Care Professionals in a Community Health Setting, Kathryn Joy Kim
Knowledge and Attitudes of Nursing Home LVNs and RNs Regarding Administering Pain Medictions to Dying Patients at End of Life, Sylvia DiAnn Young
Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Cues: The Effects of Learning Infant Massage, Janet Jones
Nurses' Perception of the effects of Companion Pets in Hospice Settings, Nasser Sorkhabi
Post traumatic Growth Among Patients Diagnosed with Cancer, Deborah J. Vance
The Effect of Certification on the Use of Imagery, Marcie Holland
The Experience of American and Canadian Cancer Patients in Deciding to Seek Alternative Care in Mexican Cancer Clinics, Alicia Bright
Theses/Capstones from 2004
Effectiveness of the Prenatal to Three Parenting Classes: A Program Evaluation, Patricia Gallegos
Effects of Denied and Delayed Medical Treatment on the Injured Workers' Quality of Life, Ann Kathryn Hribar
Personal Creativity and Caring in Professional Nursing Practice: A Correlational Study, Lisa Brozda
Reports of Us of Complimentary Health Modalities in Higher Risk Prenatal Populations, Lola M. Barnes
Theses/Capstones from 2003
External Calf Compresses with Lemon as a Nursing Adjunct for Fever Treatment, Eira Klich-Heartt
Factors that Influence Women's Decision During Menopause, Sarah Lippit-Houston
Herbals and Dietary Supplemets: Evaluation of Perioperative Nursing Forms, Arleen Sakamoto
Holistice Nurse Entrepreneurs: Their Motivations and Their Charactristics, Carol Deards
Research Proposal: The Changing Image of Nursing as Seen in the Nurse's Uniform, Helen Huntington
The Effect of Music on the Coping of Informal Caregivers of Persons with Dementia, Thelma Jean Craig