This is a collection of Art Therapy Master's Theses (1981 - 2015) from the time that the program was located at Notre Dame de Namur. The program moved to Dominican University of California in the Fall of 2021.

The theses listed here currently reside at the Archbishop Alemany Library and only available for use in the Library


Theses/Capstones from 2000

Using Art to Process Aggression With Children Who Are Severly Emotionally Disturbed, Erin Kelly

Using The AVPT to Establish Viusual Concepts Norms of Taiwanese College Students, Su-Fen Liu

Theses/Capstones from 1999

Women in Mid-Life: Looking at Spirituality Through the Use of Art, Saundra E. Akridge

The Effects of Artistic Expression on Identity Formation Within a Learning Disabled Adolescent Population, Paula Artac

Physiological Calming Effect of the Color Blue on Children, Lydia Cho

A Grant Proposal for Using Art Therapy to Improve the Self-Esteem of Adolescents in a Special High School fo rAlcohol and Substance Users: And for Providign a Foundation for a Substance Free Life, Lynne Doherty

Measuring the Validity of the DAP-SF Using the Draw-a-Person Projective Drawing to Assess Self-Seteem in Latino Adolescents, Yvette Duarte

A Research Project on Mood and Color Choice in Children With Autism, Heather Suzanne Eckenrod

The Role of Creating an Art Journal During the Art Therapy Practicum, Mary Greaney

Concurrent Validity of the House-Tree-Person and Kinetic-Family -Drawings as Depression Assessment Tools in the Non-Clinical Korean American Adolescent, Mikyong Han

Quilts: A Textiel Tradition for Processing LIfe and Cultural Experiences With Art Therapy Applications, Constance Hunt

Effect of Group Art Therapy on Depressed Mother-Child Dyads, Amy K. Keucher

Presence of Defense Mechanisms in the Art of Children in Treatment for Luekemia, Kathryn S. Rogers

Surviving and Thriving: Increasing the Hope of Public School Adolescents Through Art Therapy, Eleanor Fisher Ruckman

A Historical Survey of the Angel Archetype: Convergence of Psychology, Art Therapy and Soul, Christine Marie Springer

Art Therapy in a Business Community: A Creative Outlet for Enhancing the Work Experience Through Communication Skills Training and Stress Reduction, Kenda Swartz-Perez

Theses/Capstones from 1998

Retablos: The Tradition of Painting the Tragic, The Miraculous, and Art Therapy Applications with Latino Adolescents, Deann Acton

The Evolution of the Sun Symbol: Its Meaning and Signifigance in Beliefs of Cultures throughout History, Chris Chiochios

Masks of Northwest Coastal Indians: Transformation of the Human Spirit, Karen Cornell

The Collarborative Mural: An Art Intervention Offering Curative Experiences for the Individual, Group, and Community, Vicotria de los Santos Mycue

Drawing Mandalas: Its' Psysiological Effects on Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances, Antonia Fokken

Aesthetic Preference and Poetic Writing Style: A Correlational Study, Mary M. Gende

Assessment of Mental Disorders: The Rainbow Phenomenon, Laura Huber

A Study of the Mother-and-Child Drawing as an Indicator of Separation Anxiety in the Adolescent Population, Margaret Hunter

Young and Old Together: An Intergenerational Art Therapy Handbook, Carrie Lenihan

Graphic Indicators of Sexual Abuse in Children Using the Human Figure Drawing, Sandra Mailloux

Looking for Recurrent Archetaypal Images Through the Use of the Arrigton Visual Preference Test With Children Who are Severely Emotionally Disturbed, Lesley Ann Mastey

Is There Life After Menopause? A Study of Changing Self Concept in Midlife Women, Constance Milligan

The Use of Kramer Art Therapy Evaluation to Study Behaviors Related to the Diagnostic Indicators in the Art of Adolescents, Marjan Mokarram

The Eye as Symbol, Elizabeth Olson

Symbols of Self: Use of the Arrington Visual Preference Test With Severely Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents, Amy Lynne Rogers

Art and Poetry for Stress Reduction: An Outcome Study with an Acutley Depressed Partially Hosptilalized, Adult Population, Samantha Renee Schmidt

Art Therapy With Adolescent Marijuana Users: A Means of Promoting Insight, Jana Olias Silverman

The Cultural Identity and Self-Esteem of Chinese-American College Students as Seen Through the Draw-a-Person Test, Kealailani A. Zane

Theses/Capstones from 1997

The Use of an Art Journal with Latency Age Children of Divorce: A Multiple Case Study, Shannon A. Anderson

Isolation in Women in Ministry Using Jungian Archetypes and Modified Kinetic Family Drawings, Andrea Lynn Arnold

Exploring Alienation with Adolescents Identified with Serious Behavior Disordered Using Personal Symbols, Brooke Brown

Art Therapy with Abused Adolescents: an Efficacy Study in the Non-profit Setting, Louis Buchhold

A National Survey on Art Therapists Beliefs Regarding Optimal Duration of Treatment with Specific Popualtions, Jennifer J. Cartwright

The Aging Population and the Experience of Life Satisfaction: A Phenomenological Paper in Clinical Art Therapy, Ariosto J. Coelho

Felt Art: A New Art Therapy Modality?, Meredith J. Dunn

Measuring the Validitiy of F.E.A.T.S. Using the Apple Tree Projective Drawing to Assess Self-Esteem in Adolescents, Rosine Ferber

Ofrendas: Altar-making Traditions in the Mexican Days of the Dead and Art Therapy Applications for Grief and Bereavement, Jeanne Gabriel

The Effectiveness of Art Therapy with Depressed Older Adults in a Partial Hospital Program, Susan E. Galen

Fairytales and Therapy: Using Fairytales in Assessing for Child Abuse, Kimberley Haws

The Use of House-Tree-Person Test in Diagnosing Mental Illness, Eva A. Jarrett

Early Intervention: Teaching Social Skills to Preschool Aged Children Using Art Therapy, Erin K. McElhinney

Increasing Control: Watercolor Painting an Students with Developmental Disabilities, Carol Mellberg

Graphic Communications: A Case Study of a Dissociative Identity Disorder, Virginia L. Miller

Children Dealing with Life-Threatening Illnesses Through the Use of Creative Art Therapy, Janet Marie Natale