"Autism and Occupation: Video Modeling for Maker Activities" by Hannah Gibeson, Kelly Yerby et al.



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Understanding the lived experiences of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using video modeling (VM) while engaging in Maker activities is an essential part of occupational therapy research. Participants in this study were four individuals with ASD recruited from a project-based studio located in San Rafael, CA, and one staff member. The qualitative portion of this study analyzed the lived experiences and perspectives of the individuals with ASD and their service provider through qualitative semi-structured interview methods. The quantitative portion of this study analyzed the effectiveness of VM for Maker activities during the activity of making a box using a machine called a ShopBot. Quantitative analysis included staff assistance and client performance during standard instruction and subsequent VM intervention. Researchers found that with the VM intervention, staff assistance decreased and client performance increased. Three themes pertinent to use of the VM for the ASD population emerged; what worked, what could be changed, and where else VM could be used. VM helps individuals with ASD learn Maker activities. VM is clear, consistent, and easy to understand for individuals with ASD. Occupational Therapists can utilize VM as another method to teach individuals with ASD new skills, Maker activities, and occupations.


Occupational Therapy

Faculty Advisor

Laura Greiss Hess, PhD, OTR/L

Publication Date



San Rafael, CA


Autism, Video Modeling, Maker Movement


Occupational Therapy

Autism and Occupation: Video Modeling for Maker Activities
