Most Recent Additions*


Multiple sclerosis risk loci and disease severity in 7,125 individuals from 10 studies.
Michaela George, Farren B. S. Briggs, Xiaorong Shao, Milena A. Gianfrancesco, Ingrid Kockum, Hanne F. Harbo, Elisabeth G. Celius, Steffan D. Bos, Anna Hedström, Ling Shen, Allan Bernstein, Lars Alfredsson, Jan Hillert, Tomas Olsson, Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos, Philip L. De Jager, Annette B. Oturai, Helle B. Søndergaard, Finn Sellebjerg, Per S. Sorensen, Refujia Gomez, Stacy J. Caillier, Bruce A. C. Cree, Jorge R. Oksenberg, Stephen L. Hauser, Sandra D'Alfonso, Maurizio A. Leone, Filippo Martinelli Boneschi, Melissa Sorosina, Ingrid van der Mei, Bruce V. Taylor, Yuan Zhou, Catherine Schaefer, and Lisa F. Barcellos


Quality of life in multiple sclerosis is associated with lesion burden and brain volume measures.
E M. Mowry, A Beheshtian, E Waubant, D S. Goodin, B A. Cree, P Qualley, R Lincoln, Michaela George, R Gomez, S L. Hauser, D T. Okuda, and D Pelletier


Genome-wide association analysis of susceptibility and clinical phenotype in multiple sclerosis.
Sergio E. Baranzini, Joanne Wang, Rachel A. Gibson, Nicholas Galwey, Yvonne Naegelin, Frederik Barkhof, Ernst-Wilhelm Radue, Raija L. P. Lindberg, Bernard M. G. Uitdehaag, Michael R. Johnson, Aspasia Angelakopoulou, Leslie Hall, Jill C. Richardson, Rab K. Prinjha, Achim Gass, Jeroen J. G. Geurts, Jolijn Kragt, Madeleine Sombekke, Hugo Vrenken, Pamela Qualley, Robin R. Lincoln, Refujia Gomez, Stacy J. Caillier, Michaela George, Hourieh Mousavi, Rosa Guerrero, Darin T. Okuda, Bruce A. C. Cree, Ari J. Green, Emmanuelle Waubant, Douglas S. Goodin, Daniel Pelletier, Paul M. Matthews, Stephen L Hauser, Ludwig Kappos, Chris H. Polman, and Jorge R. Oksenberg


Genotype-Phenotype correlations in multiple sclerosis: HLA genes influence disease severity inferred by 1HMR spectroscopy and MRI measures.
D T. Okuda, R Srinivasan, J R. Oksenberg, D S. Goodin, S E. Baranzini, A Beheshtian, E Waubant, S S. Zamvil, D Leppert, P Qualley, R Lincoln, R Gomez, S Caillier, Michaela George, J Wang, S J. Nelson, B A C Cree, S L. Hauser, and D Pelletier


Impact of the First COVID-19 Shelter-in-place Order in the United States on Emergency Department Utilization, Marin County, California
Brett R. Bayles, Michaela George, Haylea Hannah, Patti L. Culross, Rochelle Ereman, Dustin W. Ballard, and Matthew Willis


Windows Tenor
Ron McFarland


Suite for Piano
Ron McFarland


Windows Baritone
Ron McFarland


Windows Lower Soprano
Ron McFarland

*Updated as of 03/23/25.