Submissions from 2024
Building blocks for a happy life: Longitudinal associations between early life income, mentorship and later well-being, Thomas Chan, Veronica Fruiht, and Nicardo McInnis
Exploring Ideological Differences in Taiwanese Perceptions of Cross-Strait Relations, Rong Chen, Kristína Kironská, and Jiri Čeněk
You’re Not the Boss of Me!, Shankar Vedantam and Benjamin Rosenberg
Submissions from 2023
Right vs. Left: Ideology and Psychological Motives in the Chinese Cultural Context, Rong Chen and Peter Beattie
“They'll take a gun to me before I get that shot”:Rationalization, Emotions, and Misinformation in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Michaela George, Benjamin Rosenberg, Savannah N. Dale, Lauren H. Kirkland, Patti L. Culross, and Rong Chen
Submissions from 2022
The impact of teacher feedback on students’ decisions to stay on or change course after math failure in a Confucian cultural context, Bih_jen Fwu, Tong-Rong Yang, Yi-Kan Chen, and Rong Chen
To Mask or not to Mask: Debunking the Myths of Mask-Wearing During COVID-19 Across Cultures, Rong Chen, Bih-Jen Fwu, Tong-Rong Yang, and Quang-Anh Ngo Tran
Submissions from 2021
Freedom, Covid-19, and Resistance to Public Health Orders, Benjamin Rosenberg
Learning to Love, Work, and Live Your Best Life: Mentoring in Emerging Adulthood Predicts Later Flourishing and Subjective Well-Being, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Sarah Hwang, Giovanna Blanco, and Thomas Chan
Medium Matters: A Decade of Media Consumption Predicts Positive and Negative Dimensions of Self-Perceptions of Aging, Jordan Boeder, Dwight C K Tse, Veronica Fruiht, and Thomas Chan
Mental health and resilience during the coronavirus pandemic: A machine learning approach, Kristin W. Samuelson, Kelly Dixon, Joshua Jordan, Tyler Powers, Samantha Sonderman, and Sophie Brickman
Reflecting on an academic career: associations between past mentoring investments and career benefits, Jordan Boeder, Veronica Fruiht, Kevin Erikson, Sarah Hwang, Giovanna Blanco, and Thomas Chan
Rising Stars and Underdogs: The Role Race and Parental Education Play in Predicting Mentorship, Veronica Fruiht, Jordan Boeder, and Thomas Chan
The association between implicit and explicit affective inhibitory control, rumination and depressive symptoms, Orly Shimony, Noam Einav, Omer Bonne, Joshua Jordan, Thomas M. Van Vleet, and Mor Nahum
Threatening uncertainty and psychological reactance: are freedom threats always noxious?, Benjamin Rosenberg and Jason T. Siegel
You Can't Tell Me What to Do! Or Maybe You Can, Benjamin Rosenberg
Submissions from 2020
A case for directives: Strategies for enhancing clarity while mitigating reactance, Thomas V. Staunton, Eusebio M. Alvaro, and Benjamin Rosenberg
High-Resolution Spectral Sleep Analysis Reveals a Novel Association Between Slow Oscillations and Memory Retention in Elderly Adults, Makoto Kawai, Logan D. Scheider, Omer Linkovski, Joshua Jordan, Rosy Karna, Sophia Pirog, Isabelle Cotto, Casey Buck, William J. Giardino, and Ruth O'Hara
Neurocognitive markers of passive suicidal ideation in late-life depression, Joshua T. Jordan, Christina F. Chick, Camarin E. Rolle, Nathan Hantke, Christine E. Gould, Julie Lutz, Makoto Kawai, Isabelle Cotto, Rosy Karna, Sophia Pirog, Michelle Berk, Keith Sudheimer, Ruth O'Hara, and Sherry A. Beaudreau
Scholarship from 2018
Naturally Occurring Mentorship in a National Sample of First-Generation College Goers: A Promising Portal for Academic and Developmental Success., Veronica Fruiht and Thomas Chan
On Campus Social Support and Hope as Unique Predictors of Perceived Ability to Persist in College, Deanna D'Amico and Veronica Fruiht
Woolenium, LeeAnn Bartolini
Submissions from 2016
A 50-year review of psychological reactance theory: Do not read this article, Benjamin Rosenberg and Jason T. Siegel
The effect of inconsistency appeals on the influence of direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements: An application of goal disruption theory, Benjamin D. Rosenberg and Jason T. Siegel
Submissions from 2015
Goal disruption theory, military personnel, and the creation of merged profiles: A mixed method investigation, Benjamin Rosenberg, Joshua A. Lewandowski, and Jason T. Siegel