Students in the Occupational Therapy program spend their last three semesters creating a capstone project. This major academic achievement represents a synthesis of content learned throughout the program.
Subject matter such as theory, research methodology and analysis, program development, and education of clients are applied to either faculty lines of research or projects that will serve the community.
Students gather in teams to complete the thesis under the mentorship of their faculty thesis advisor. Completed theses are disseminated to a wide audience of constituents either in poster sessions, workshops, or peer-reviewed journals.
Theses/Capstones from 2006
Supporting the Occupation of Healthy Eating: A Nutrition and Meal Preparation Guide for Older Adults Living Independently in the Community, Christina H. Choi
Yoga as an Occupation to Promote Quality of Life for Individuals with Fibromyalgia, Darshna Upadhyaya
Theses/Capstones from 2005
Play in the Prone Position: A Resource Guide for Parents and Their Growing Infants, Ilse Violeta V. Catindig