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It is important for healthcare staff to be knowledgeable of their patients’ culture in order to provide the best care possible and meet the needs of the individual patient (Yava et al., 2023). It has been proven that a lack of cultural understanding can lead to decreased patient adherence and negative health outcomes (Brottman et al., 2020).
There is very little research conducted about student nurses’ knowledge and comfort level when caring for Native American Elders. However, research shows that nurses and nurse educators are not confident when caring for culturally diverse patients, despite their responsibility of teaching the next generation about how to care for patients (Brottman et al., 2020). It is extremely important that nursing students become prepared to care for culturally diverse patients because in their future, they will be caring for a rapidly growing, cross-cultural population.
The Native American Elder population is frequently overlooked in nursing curricula, making further research on this topic necessary. This research proposal aims to assess nursing students’ level of knowledge and comfort before and after an educational module about Native Americans and the significance of Elders in their culture.
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Dominican University of California
San Rafael, CA
Native American Elders, nursing students, knowledge, comfort, cultural competence, cultural understanding, nursing education, nursing confidence
Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis | Nursing | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences
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