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There are many systemic changes that happen to the body after giving birth. Special consideration should be given to recovery during the postpartum period. Common physical symptoms during postpartum are breast engorgement and nipple pain, vaginal bleeding, soreness in perineal area, cramping during uterine involution, increased sweating usually at night, constipation, and hair loss (Cleveland Clinic, 2024). A vulnerable population is women experiencing a multiple pregnancy, such as those carrying twins or triplets. These women are more likely to experience gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, anemia and/or postpartum hemorrhage (University of Rochester Medical Center, 2024). Amidst this crucial time, advocating for patient preferences is a priority. There is a growing emergence of women who prefer a more holistic approach to the birthing process. Therefore, it is imperative that nurses are cognizant of natural techniques.
Publication Date
Dominican University of California
San Rafael, CA
postpartum pain, aromatherapy, music therapy, twin pregnancy
Alternative and Complementary Medicine | Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing | Nursing
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