Theses/Capstones from 2021
Effects of Dance/Movement Therapy on Pediatric Oncology Patients, Kaitlin Callorina
COVID-19’s Psychological Influences: How Have University Students Been Affected?, Julaby Dalman
Disparities Among Black Women in Maternal Health, Josefina Teresa Estrada
The Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers: An Exploration of Burnout, Cherise Fernandez
Gender Differences in the Presentation of Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Exploring Factors Influencing the Underdiagnosis of ADHD and its Effects on Women, Alexis-Phillis Giron
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on College Students, Natalie Guadiana and Taylor L. Okashima
How does the patient to nurse ratio relate to the quality of patient care and nurse burnout in the hospital?, Grace Huang
Effects of Heavy Screen Time on the Adolescent, Taylor Lim
The Opioid Crisis: Evaluating Current Practices and Outcomes for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Deborah A. Mendoza
Improving Cognitive Function in Persons with Dementia Through Music Therapy, Jillian Natividad
Developmental Effects Due to Childhood Sexual Abuse, Kaitlyn Nguyen and Jenny Chang
The Effects of Losing a Parent on Teenagers Mental Health, Emily O'Keefe
The Physiological Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet on Cardiovascular Health, Jenevieve Petray
Discerning the True Dilemma of Diabetes Among Hispanics, Ramon Ponce
The Effects of Social Determinants on Renal Care Among ESKD Patients in the Philippines: Rural vs. Urban Areas, Melanie Rojas
Relationship Between Food Insecurities and Chronic Illnesses: How Low Socioeconomic Status Relates to Chronic Illnesses, Kylie Sakurai
The Effects of Sleep Disturbances on Patients in the Intensive Care Setting, Bronwyn Schmidt
Increased Use of Opioids Perioperatively Leads to Unmanaged Postoperative Pain, Halida Sehic
Identifying risk factors for Postpartum depression within the Latina, Katy Solano
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: The Effects of Aromatherapy on New and Expectant Mothers, Heather Tran
Theses/Capstones from 2020
Hospitalization and Child Development: Effects on Sleep, Developmental Stages, and Separation Anxiety, Vanessa Cahayag
The Relationship Between Low Socioeconomic Status and Mortality Rates of School Age Children Related to Motor Vehicle Accidents, Rubi Calderon-Rodriguez
The Link Between Heart Disease in Low Socioeconomic Communities in America, Khristopher Chea
Benefits of Nonpharmacological and Pharmacological Treatments in Autistic Children, Amanda Cheng
The Effect of Dance Movement Therapy on the Mood of Hospitalized Psychiatric Adolescents, Amy Chiu
Neonatal Health Outcomes and Access to Care, Riki DesJarlais
The Effects of Moderate-Severe Plaque Psoriasis on Patient Well-Being and Prevention of Flares, Glenn Devera
Barriers to Patient-Centered Care for Dementia Clients in the Long-Term Living Setting, Shaina Gaba
Nurses' Perceptions of the Impact of the Electronic Health Record on Clinical Decision-Making, Angela Dizon Garcia
An Investigation of Treatments for the Prevention of Metabolic Complications for Women Suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Diet, Exercise, Weight Reduction and Herbal Remedies, Brenda Martinez-Puente
Prenatal Care for Undocumented Women in the United States, Cristina Mendoza
Gut Microbiota and the Development of Type 2 Diabetes, Janet Ryan
The Youthful Pandemic, Brook Sahlemariam
Effects of Shift Length on Nursing Staff’s Productivity, Safety, and Well-being, Victoria Sivesind
The Effect of the Timing of a Hospice Referral and the Perceived Quality of Care by the Family, Caitlin Tran
Supporting Positive Lifestyle Changes Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Alison Tynan
Nurses’ Reported Use of Therapeutic Interventions Surrounding a Stillbirth Event, Sonya Woo
Theses/Capstones from 2019
Flowers or Flora?: Understanding the Effects of Probiotics on Depression, Nicole Collopy
How Undocumented Latino Parents’ Legal Status Affects Their U.S. Citizen-Children’s Health, Karla Garcia Hernandez
Safe Injection Facilities, Timothy Kwong
Electronic Cigarettes: Addiction and Physiological Effects within Adolescents and Young Adults, Matthew Pastrana
The Sources and Effects of Occupational Stress on Recent Graduate Nurses, Athena Pham and Mirabella Mercado
Identifying the Risk Factors to Postpartum Depression, Jannica Bondoc Santos
Pediatric Pain Management during Intravenous Line Placement: Nursing Perceptions and Interventions, Kate Shaffer
Theses/Capstones from 2018
Mindfulness Meditation and the Reduction of Stress in Nursing Students, Jeanie Gee
Hospice Nurses' Perceptions of Family Education and Dying Support Best Practices, Vivian Le