Graduation Year
Document Type
Senior Thesis
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Primary Major
Thesis Advisor
Deborah Meshel, BSN, MSN
The process of recovery after birth can be an arduous process for many women. Many patients experience discomfort that affects their quality of life. Especially for mothers who give birth to twins or triplets, there is additional need for support in this crucial time as they are more likely to develop postpartum complications. Current management for postpartum pain include pain control medications and heat/cold therapy. The purpose of this proposal is to examine if complementary therapies such as aromatherapy and music therapy decreases the postpartum pain levels in mothers of multiples. This paper proposes an experimental trial, in which a sample of 100 postpartum mothers will be recruited from hospitals in Santa Rosa. Fifty mothers will be in the control group and 50 mothers will be in the experimental group receiving aromatherapy and music therapy sessions. Numeric Rating Scale(NRS) will measure postpartum pain scores. A t-test will be used to compare the control group’s postpartum pain levels with the experimental group’s postpartum pain levels. Expected results of the study will be decreased postpartum pain levels by at least 2 points and increased patient satisfaction.
Included in
Alternative and Complementary Medicine Commons, Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing Commons