A collection of published articles, essays, book reviews, poetry, and short stories authored by faculty teaching in the MFA in Creative Writing Program.
Innovation in Nō: Matsui Akira Continues a Tradition of Change, Mariko Anno and Judy Halebsky
Constellation Translation: A Canadian Noh Play, Judy Halebsky
June Watanabe's Translation/Transformatin of Japanese Nō in Contemporary Practice, Judy Halebsky
The Poetry of Delight: Lessons from Chana Bloch, Judy Halebsky
Translations and Migrations of the Poetic Diary: Roy Kiyooka’s Wheels, Judy Halebsky
Haiku's Reception and Practice in Contemporary North American Poetry, Judy Halebsky and Ayako Takahashi
Depth of the Surface, Marianne Rogoff
Two Necessities of Poetry: Plenitude and Exuberance, Marianne Rogoff
Haiku's Reception and Practice in Contemporary North American Poetry, Ayako Takahashi and Judy Halebsky
Book Reviews
Review of "Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh: Reading with and beyond Aristotle" by Mae J. Smethurst, Judy Halebsky
Review of "Theatre of Yugen, 25 Years: A Retrospective. Edited by Erik Ehn, Judy Halebsky
In Search of Our Brains: On Teaching "Proust Was a Neuroscientist" by Jonah Lehrer, Marianne Rogoff
Inside Out [Published under the title "Sam Shepard is a Place"], Marianne Rogoff
Irreconcilable Differences with God: On "The Monk Downstairs" by Tim Farrington, Marianne Rogoff
Is the Internet Ruining Our Lives? On "The Cult of the Amateur" by Andrew Keen, Marianne Rogoff
Remembering Gina Berriault, Marianne Rogoff
Review of "Into The Beautiful North" by Luis Alberto Urrea, Marianne Rogoff
Review of "Reversible Monuments: Contemporary Mexican Poetry", Marianne Rogoff
Remix Perspective: Transdisciplinary Insights for the Art of Writing, Marianne Rogoff
Reflections on the Tokyo Poetry Festival 2008, Judy Halebsky
Anthology: A Collection of Flowers | From This Distance, Joan Baranow
Drought, Joan Baranow
These Days | Archeology | Leave-taking, Joan Baranow
Three Poems: "Shameless Things" | "Lunch Poems @ Dokkyo" | "Yosano Akiko on Jikkan", Judy Halebsky
Moon Dog [Translation], Judy Halebsky (Translating Author), Tomoyuki Endo (Translating Author), and Mizuho Ishida
Short Stories
Just Letting Go, Joan Baranow
Attention, Marianne Rogoff
BFFs, Marianne Rogoff
Reluctant to See the Sun Go Down, Marianne Rogoff
Tangible Things, Marianne Rogoff