Graduation Date


Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Music, Dance and Performing Arts

Director of the Honors Program

Gigi Gokcek, PhD

First Reader

Gay Lynch, PhD

Second Reader

Thomas Burke, MFA


This essay examines the author’s choreography, Lacuna, and research integral to its representation. During the choreographic process, experimentation of how the human body moves in relation to different architectural space was observed. In collaboration with the cast of dancers, cohesion of personal experiences in particular locations was evaluated: specifically, investigation of how environments has the ability to trigger habits or patterns of movement from both past and present experiences. A closer look at how the body responds on a visceral level to the physical and emotional sense of place is described. Although the choreographic piece, Lacuna, came to be structured in aesthetic form (just as architecture is structured), Lacuna, nonetheless, held depth of freedom for open interpretation. Overarchingly, the author investigates the nature of space and its effect on our humanity; here we see the translation of psychological response into physiological artistry. In the end, movement vocabulary is not randomly arranged; ultimately, there is order. Paradoxically, this order originates from and transcends, one’s personal relationship with space.
