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In mid-June, 2005, the members of the INTER Center received a collaboration proposal from FETE-UGT8, with the objective of carrying out a brief exploratory study on the perceptions and experiences that young people and adolescents, mainly immigrants, have concerning possible experiences of discrimination and racism in their immediate surroundings.

The initial objectives of the project were expanded due to the dynamics of the project itself. New focuses of attention and social, educational and personal dynamics, which can condition to a certain extent the experiences that immigrant adolescents undergo, were detected.

The project initially consisted of a series of interviews with adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age. A total of 20 interviews were carried out, some of them group interviews. We consider this project focus, although positive, to be limited, and we think that it would have been necessary to broaden the sample and consider other people in the young people’s social and family environment (family members, friends, classmates, professors, all of them of different origins, including the host country).

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