Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): East Oakland's Perceptions of Healthy Eating

East Oakland's Perceptions of Healthy Eating


Guzman 114

Start Date

4-19-2018 3:20 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 3:35 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Patti Culross, MD, Ph.D., Andria Rusk, MScGH, Ph.D. and Brett Bayles, MPH, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


This project's purpose is to address improving the healthy eating messaging implementation for communities of color. My project explains the importance of reforming public health professional's messaging for low income communities of color in East Oakland, CA. This ethnography illustrates the responses from the community partners and East Oakland resident about the subject of the community’s eating behaviors, the social norm, and their individual perspective on the effectiveness of Public Health messaging within their community. Messaging alone cannot recognize each aspect of the healthy disparity existing in East Oakland. However it is the way in which health professionals frame their Public Health Education. . The inner city community eating habits can be influenced, and I am starting by speaking to the community about their perspective of the efforts and messaging provided to their cultural groups.

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Import Event to Google Calendar

Apr 19th, 3:20 PM Apr 19th, 3:35 PM

East Oakland's Perceptions of Healthy Eating

Guzman 114

This project's purpose is to address improving the healthy eating messaging implementation for communities of color. My project explains the importance of reforming public health professional's messaging for low income communities of color in East Oakland, CA. This ethnography illustrates the responses from the community partners and East Oakland resident about the subject of the community’s eating behaviors, the social norm, and their individual perspective on the effectiveness of Public Health messaging within their community. Messaging alone cannot recognize each aspect of the healthy disparity existing in East Oakland. However it is the way in which health professionals frame their Public Health Education. . The inner city community eating habits can be influenced, and I am starting by speaking to the community about their perspective of the efforts and messaging provided to their cultural groups.