Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Implementing Inquiry-based Instruction

Implementing Inquiry-based Instruction


Guzman 113

Start Date

4-19-2018 5:20 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 5:35 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Rosemarie Michaels, Ed.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Researchers have found that the focus of inquiry education is to provide students with opportunities to be in control of their own learning process (Brewster, Haberfellner, Kramer & Reitinger, 2016). Dewey argued, that all students have the ability to be self-determined (Albrecht, Tillmann & Wunderlich, 2017). Research also shows that inquiry-based instruction helps students problem solve through questions and investigations (Blessinger & Carfora, 2015). This approach to teaching can help students in the future in solving real life problems and building new knowledge (Blessinger & Carfora, 2015). Teachers who use inquiry-based instruction regularly see their students engaged and active in their own learning experience. Researchers have found, that by giving students more control over their learning they also develop independence, self-direction, self-management and self-rule (Brewster, Haberfellner, Kramer & Reitinger, 2016). These characteristics will guide a student through future schooling, personal and work related problems. Thus, the goal of a teacher is to promote questioning and foster student skill development. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the use of inquiry-based instruction in an elementary school classroom.

This study will address one question: How do teachers effectively implement inquiry-based instruction? This study will follow qualitative design using classroom observations. To answer the research question the researcher will observe one classroom once a week in one elementary school, 3rd grade. The researcher will look for effective implementation of inquiry-based instruction and student engagement. The researcher anticipates the results of this study to show that teachers in an elementary school setting use inquiry-based learning frequently during classroom instruction. The researcher looks forward to discovering how teachers effectively implement inquiry-based instruction.

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Apr 19th, 5:20 PM Apr 19th, 5:35 PM

Implementing Inquiry-based Instruction

Guzman 113

Researchers have found that the focus of inquiry education is to provide students with opportunities to be in control of their own learning process (Brewster, Haberfellner, Kramer & Reitinger, 2016). Dewey argued, that all students have the ability to be self-determined (Albrecht, Tillmann & Wunderlich, 2017). Research also shows that inquiry-based instruction helps students problem solve through questions and investigations (Blessinger & Carfora, 2015). This approach to teaching can help students in the future in solving real life problems and building new knowledge (Blessinger & Carfora, 2015). Teachers who use inquiry-based instruction regularly see their students engaged and active in their own learning experience. Researchers have found, that by giving students more control over their learning they also develop independence, self-direction, self-management and self-rule (Brewster, Haberfellner, Kramer & Reitinger, 2016). These characteristics will guide a student through future schooling, personal and work related problems. Thus, the goal of a teacher is to promote questioning and foster student skill development. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the use of inquiry-based instruction in an elementary school classroom.

This study will address one question: How do teachers effectively implement inquiry-based instruction? This study will follow qualitative design using classroom observations. To answer the research question the researcher will observe one classroom once a week in one elementary school, 3rd grade. The researcher will look for effective implementation of inquiry-based instruction and student engagement. The researcher anticipates the results of this study to show that teachers in an elementary school setting use inquiry-based learning frequently during classroom instruction. The researcher looks forward to discovering how teachers effectively implement inquiry-based instruction.