Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Occupational Responses Following Partner Loss

Occupational Responses Following Partner Loss


Guzman 104

Start Date

4-19-2018 4:20 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 4:35 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Susan Morris, Ph.D., OTR/L

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Spousal loss has been frequently identified as a life stressor that can greatly impede one’s ability to age at home. Such an event can lead to declines in well-being and emotional, mental, and physical health. In some instances, spousal loss has led to the surviving partner being forced to leave his or her home due to being unable to maintain or live safely in the house. Current literature has a wide range of approaches to analyzing bereavement, but almost no research exists on how these changes may affect participation in daily life activities and impede one’s ability to live at home. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gather information related to the occupational changes and adaptations that occur in response to spousal or partner loss.

The researchers will be conducting a qualitative study investigating the occupational changes that may occur by performing semi-structured interviews with older adults who are widowed.The presentation will be in Powerpoint format with information on the authors’ purpose, current literature, theoretical framework, methods, and any preliminary results.

Key words: occupational therapy, spousal loss, partner loss, qualitative study, semi-structured interview, activity of daily living, instrumental activity of daily living, adaptation

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Apr 19th, 4:20 PM Apr 19th, 4:35 PM

Occupational Responses Following Partner Loss

Guzman 104

Spousal loss has been frequently identified as a life stressor that can greatly impede one’s ability to age at home. Such an event can lead to declines in well-being and emotional, mental, and physical health. In some instances, spousal loss has led to the surviving partner being forced to leave his or her home due to being unable to maintain or live safely in the house. Current literature has a wide range of approaches to analyzing bereavement, but almost no research exists on how these changes may affect participation in daily life activities and impede one’s ability to live at home. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gather information related to the occupational changes and adaptations that occur in response to spousal or partner loss.

The researchers will be conducting a qualitative study investigating the occupational changes that may occur by performing semi-structured interviews with older adults who are widowed.The presentation will be in Powerpoint format with information on the authors’ purpose, current literature, theoretical framework, methods, and any preliminary results.

Key words: occupational therapy, spousal loss, partner loss, qualitative study, semi-structured interview, activity of daily living, instrumental activity of daily living, adaptation