Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Assistive Technology and the Impact on Occupations

Assistive Technology and the Impact on Occupations


Guzman 104

Start Date

4-19-2018 4:00 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 4:15 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Laura Hess, OTR/L Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Occupational therapists (OT) employ Assistive Technology (AT) strategies and applications to promote engagement in meaningful occupations. AT, such as word prediction, text to speech, and speech recognition, is used to eliminate access barriers for written expression and access to dynamic devices. The aforementioned AT is also used for communication including email, texting, and social media. Current research has focused on the productivity of this type of AT, for example, increased typing speed and legibility. However, there has been a lack of attention to the client’s perspective about their personal experience with AT from an occupation centered approach. The purpose of this study is to focus on the daily experiences of individuals who are currently using AT in an in-depth case study analysis by utilizing semi-structured interviews, naturalistic observations and records reviews.

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Apr 19th, 4:00 PM Apr 19th, 4:15 PM

Assistive Technology and the Impact on Occupations

Guzman 104

Occupational therapists (OT) employ Assistive Technology (AT) strategies and applications to promote engagement in meaningful occupations. AT, such as word prediction, text to speech, and speech recognition, is used to eliminate access barriers for written expression and access to dynamic devices. The aforementioned AT is also used for communication including email, texting, and social media. Current research has focused on the productivity of this type of AT, for example, increased typing speed and legibility. However, there has been a lack of attention to the client’s perspective about their personal experience with AT from an occupation centered approach. The purpose of this study is to focus on the daily experiences of individuals who are currently using AT in an in-depth case study analysis by utilizing semi-structured interviews, naturalistic observations and records reviews.