Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Stronger Together: Team Teaching as a Strategy to Curb Burnout, Boost Teacher Efficacy, and Increase Student Engagement


Guzman 112

Start Date

4-19-2018 5:00 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 5:15 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Jennifer Lucko, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


The focus of this study was to determine impacts of team teaching on teacher efficacy, burnout, and student engagement in the elementary school setting. Few if any studies have examined the relationship between team teaching and elementary school teachers’ feelings of efficacy and burnout. The purpose of this study was to determine if team teaching was a viable and workable approach for teachers in the elementary school settings. In other words, is this a strategy that teachers enjoy? The methods employed in this study were qualitative. Three participants who were currently team teaching from the same elementary school were interviewed twice. Participants were also observed during a team teaching lesson. This study found that team teaching creates a school wide collaborative community which leads to a stronger school community. This is because teachers are modeling collaboration, demonstrate how to maintain and build relationships, and learn together through the process of team teaching. Consequently, teachers felt more effective, energized, and excited to teach their students, thereby curbing burnout and increasing student engagement.


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Apr 19th, 5:00 PM Apr 19th, 5:15 PM

Stronger Together: Team Teaching as a Strategy to Curb Burnout, Boost Teacher Efficacy, and Increase Student Engagement

Guzman 112

The focus of this study was to determine impacts of team teaching on teacher efficacy, burnout, and student engagement in the elementary school setting. Few if any studies have examined the relationship between team teaching and elementary school teachers’ feelings of efficacy and burnout. The purpose of this study was to determine if team teaching was a viable and workable approach for teachers in the elementary school settings. In other words, is this a strategy that teachers enjoy? The methods employed in this study were qualitative. Three participants who were currently team teaching from the same elementary school were interviewed twice. Participants were also observed during a team teaching lesson. This study found that team teaching creates a school wide collaborative community which leads to a stronger school community. This is because teachers are modeling collaboration, demonstrate how to maintain and build relationships, and learn together through the process of team teaching. Consequently, teachers felt more effective, energized, and excited to teach their students, thereby curbing burnout and increasing student engagement.