Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): To be a Trauma Informed Teacher

To be a Trauma Informed Teacher


Guzman 110

Start Date

4-19-2018 4:40 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 4:55 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Jennifer Lucko, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Teachers face student behavior on a daily basis. It is a measure that can either benefit or negatively impact the classroom environment. Understanding the reason for why a student behaviors they way they do is the ultimate question for every teacher. The teachers being sampled for my research are being asked to look at the impact that behavior has on their classroom climate and how the trauma informed program, Rainbowdance has impacted their classroom climate and how they address student behavior.

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Apr 19th, 4:40 PM Apr 19th, 4:55 PM

To be a Trauma Informed Teacher

Guzman 110

Teachers face student behavior on a daily basis. It is a measure that can either benefit or negatively impact the classroom environment. Understanding the reason for why a student behaviors they way they do is the ultimate question for every teacher. The teachers being sampled for my research are being asked to look at the impact that behavior has on their classroom climate and how the trauma informed program, Rainbowdance has impacted their classroom climate and how they address student behavior.