Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): An Unconventional (And Sometimes Dysfunctional) Hero's Journey

An Unconventional (And Sometimes Dysfunctional) Hero's Journey


Guzman 114

Start Date

4-19-2018 5:00 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 5:15 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Amy Wong, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


A meandering hero's journey, as told by an adult education student.

This document contains autobiographical stories, grouped into sections. Each section is titled with the prevalent theme of the individual pieces therein.

The stories in the section titled “The Curse,” exemplifies the thinking I held for many years about the seemingly unwavering trajectory my life had assumed, and the desire and effort to alter that course.

The second section, titled “A Supporting Character in My Own Life” illustrates the indignities I suffered (and the useful lessons I learned) as an entry-level retail and care giving employee. I also detail the maddening experience of being a 37-year-old woman living in a shared living situation with very young, unmotivated adults. For much of this time, it seemed as if my own needs and desires had faded inexorably, and that I existed to observe and document others’ victories and foibles. It was explained to me that this longstanding status as “wallflower” was the result of a curse. The woman who divined the curse also wanted a nominal fee of two thousand dollars to remove it for me—an offer I graciously refused.

The third section (“A New Purpose”) details the renewed faith and energy I have experienced in achieving the goals that had been moved to the side, and the vigor that had conjured. The fourth section describes the new place of clarity that changing jobs and successfully pursuing a degree has afforded me.

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Apr 19th, 5:00 PM Apr 19th, 5:15 PM

An Unconventional (And Sometimes Dysfunctional) Hero's Journey

Guzman 114

A meandering hero's journey, as told by an adult education student.

This document contains autobiographical stories, grouped into sections. Each section is titled with the prevalent theme of the individual pieces therein.

The stories in the section titled “The Curse,” exemplifies the thinking I held for many years about the seemingly unwavering trajectory my life had assumed, and the desire and effort to alter that course.

The second section, titled “A Supporting Character in My Own Life” illustrates the indignities I suffered (and the useful lessons I learned) as an entry-level retail and care giving employee. I also detail the maddening experience of being a 37-year-old woman living in a shared living situation with very young, unmotivated adults. For much of this time, it seemed as if my own needs and desires had faded inexorably, and that I existed to observe and document others’ victories and foibles. It was explained to me that this longstanding status as “wallflower” was the result of a curse. The woman who divined the curse also wanted a nominal fee of two thousand dollars to remove it for me—an offer I graciously refused.

The third section (“A New Purpose”) details the renewed faith and energy I have experienced in achieving the goals that had been moved to the side, and the vigor that had conjured. The fourth section describes the new place of clarity that changing jobs and successfully pursuing a degree has afforded me.