Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Rooms for Tomorrow for the Rising Health Risks of Today: The Impact of Harm Reduction Facilities and Health Outcomes

Rooms for Tomorrow for the Rising Health Risks of Today: The Impact of Harm Reduction Facilities and Health Outcomes


Guzman Lecture Hall

Start Date

4-19-2018 6:30 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 7:30 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Brett Bayles, MPH, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of harm reduction facilities (HRF) on health outcomes for intravenous drug users (IDU). The types of HRFs that were taken into consideration for this paper were safe injection facilities (SIF) and needle exchange programs (NEP). People who inject drugs expose themselves to blood-borne diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C (HCV) when practicing unsafe risky needle sharing behaviors. Drug related deaths are on the rise and poses a major health crisis within our borders. Different public health methods and interventions are needed to address the IDU community health issues.

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Apr 19th, 6:30 PM Apr 19th, 7:30 PM

Rooms for Tomorrow for the Rising Health Risks of Today: The Impact of Harm Reduction Facilities and Health Outcomes

Guzman Lecture Hall

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of harm reduction facilities (HRF) on health outcomes for intravenous drug users (IDU). The types of HRFs that were taken into consideration for this paper were safe injection facilities (SIF) and needle exchange programs (NEP). People who inject drugs expose themselves to blood-borne diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C (HCV) when practicing unsafe risky needle sharing behaviors. Drug related deaths are on the rise and poses a major health crisis within our borders. Different public health methods and interventions are needed to address the IDU community health issues.