Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Expanding the Walls of the Classroom: Difficulties and Successes in Expedition Based Learning


Guzman 104

Start Date

4-19-2018 5:00 PM

End Date

4-19-2018 5:15 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Jennifer Lucko, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


When planned and executed with purpose and precision, expedition based, experiential education can deepen student learning, increase engagement, and help close the achievement gap. Yet, this approach to education remains the exception, rather than the norm in a standard public high school setting. The purpose of this research project is to better understand the experiences that teachers and administrators have when planning and executing expeditions, and to explore the obstacles that prevent and/or inhibit teachers from teaching outside the classroom.


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Apr 19th, 5:00 PM Apr 19th, 5:15 PM

Expanding the Walls of the Classroom: Difficulties and Successes in Expedition Based Learning

Guzman 104

When planned and executed with purpose and precision, expedition based, experiential education can deepen student learning, increase engagement, and help close the achievement gap. Yet, this approach to education remains the exception, rather than the norm in a standard public high school setting. The purpose of this research project is to better understand the experiences that teachers and administrators have when planning and executing expeditions, and to explore the obstacles that prevent and/or inhibit teachers from teaching outside the classroom.