Dominican Scholar - Scholarly and Creative Works Conference (2015 - 2021): Coolhunting: Marketing Tools & Techniques


Guzman 110, Dominican University of California

Start Date

4-20-2017 7:00 PM

End Date

4-20-2017 7:15 PM

Student Type


Faculty Mentor(s)

Bradley Van Alstyne, M.A.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Technology and the rise of mass media has made marketing and connecting with consumers more valuable than ever before. In order to reach consumers, many companies have employed coolhunters to predict trends, identify key influencers, and translate what they observe within subcultures into a tangible product. Coolhunters are individuals that observe different aspects of society, such as fashion, and use what they see to outline what is up and coming in terms of products, ideologies, and attitudes. These trend observations can then be used by companies in a multitude of ways; to develop products, to guide brand expansion, to develop an advertising campaign, and to form partnerships with influencers. These different aspects of marketing are vital to all companies, which is why the role of coolhunter is crucial in today’s day and age.


Import Event to Google Calendar

Apr 20th, 7:00 PM Apr 20th, 7:15 PM

Coolhunting: Marketing Tools & Techniques

Guzman 110, Dominican University of California

Technology and the rise of mass media has made marketing and connecting with consumers more valuable than ever before. In order to reach consumers, many companies have employed coolhunters to predict trends, identify key influencers, and translate what they observe within subcultures into a tangible product. Coolhunters are individuals that observe different aspects of society, such as fashion, and use what they see to outline what is up and coming in terms of products, ideologies, and attitudes. These trend observations can then be used by companies in a multitude of ways; to develop products, to guide brand expansion, to develop an advertising campaign, and to form partnerships with influencers. These different aspects of marketing are vital to all companies, which is why the role of coolhunter is crucial in today’s day and age.