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Document Type

Course Materials

Course Description

Traditional Church teaching on divorce and celibacy rests on an interpretation of key New Testament texts.

In five lectures to the monks of New Camaldoli Hermitage, Dr. Scott Sinclair argued that this established interpretation is basically incorrect. He offered a different interpretation which could justify a new Christian approach to divorce and celibacy.

The accompanying document consists of his detailed lecture notes which clearly present a concise summary of his position. These could be used as a resource for a study group, classroom teaching and discussion, or even a reconsideration of Church policy.


CC0 To the extent possible under law, Scott G. Sinclair has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Divorce and Celibacy in the New Testament and the Implications for the Church Today: One Interpretation: Five Conferences for New Camaldoli Hermitage [Lecture Notes] This work is published from: United States.
