Graduation Year
Document Type
Senior Thesis
Bachelor of Science
Primary Major
Primary Minor
Thesis Advisor
Veronica Fruiht, PhD
Video games are a fun and popular outlet for many. They boost enthusiasm and can provide a form of entertainment, challenges, and confidence in players (Ceranoglu, 2010). Video games are an activity that bring a variety of feelings as players interact in a variety of ways. Many researchers study the negative effects of competitive and violent video games which often have been correlated with aggression (Dowsett & Jackson, 2019). There is less focus on the positive emotional responses but positive effects of videogames have been supported but consider other factors of influence such as well-being, motivation, social interaction, and violence (Halbrook et al., 2019). The goal of this study is to measure the positive and emotional response of frequent and infrequent players of video games with competitive aspects. Frequent players are expected to have more motivation and positive emotional response then less frequent players. The sample size consists of 69 participants that have some experience playing video games and were recruited from college institutions and social media platforms. To measure the emotional responses, participants responded to the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson, Clark, & Tellengen, 1988) which is a 10-item self- report scale. The Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS) was used to measure motivation in playing video games (SIMS; Guay, Vallerand, & Blanc, 2000). Frequency was measured by asking about video game knowledge and how often participants play. The results of this study support the prediction that frequent game players will have more motivation to play and have a significant positive emotional response in gaming with competitive elements than non frequent gamers. The expected implications of this study are to further the research between video game players and emotional response to the different variations of the media.
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Cognitive Psychology Commons, Other Psychology Commons, Personality and Social Contexts Commons, Social Psychology Commons