Graduation Year


Document Type

Senior Thesis


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Primary Major


Thesis Advisor

Kendra Hoepper, DNP, APRN, PNP- BC


Background: Currently, mandated health screenings in California schools are limited to vision, hearing, and scoliosis; this leaves several other body systems unmonitored during the crucial years of childhood development. One such system is the gastrointestinal (GI) system, which plays a vital role in the normal growth, nutrition status, development, and overall health of children. Objective: By developing and implementing a GI-specific screening tool in the outpatient school setting, this research aims to increase the detection of GI disorders in children. Not only that, but school nurses can use this novel screening tool to promote early diagnosis, intervention, and better health outcomes. Method: The proposed research involves a quantitative, randomized, controlled-trial cohort study investigating the effectiveness of the Kids’ Intestinal Disorders Screening & Gastric Upset Tool (KIDSGUT) in detecting pediatric GI disorders. Results: The data for this study has yet to be collected, but expected results are that the tool will prove to effectively screen for a variety of previously-undetected GI conditions. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics will compare the results of the control group versus the experimental group, and inferential statistics will determine a p-value. If the p-value is <0.05, the results are statistically significant, and the use of the screening tool to detect GI disorders would be supported. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal disorders significantly impact the well-being of children, with undiagnosed GI disorders resulting in undesirable consequences for this vulnerable population. We anticipate that this study will be valuable in advancing screening and treatment for GI disorders in the pediatric population.
