"Improving Maternal Mental Health: The Role of Specialized Support for " by Dan-Tam Pham

Graduation Year


Document Type

Senior Thesis


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Primary Major


Primary Minor

Leadership Studies

Thesis Advisor

Kendra Hoepper, DNP, APRN, PNP-BC


Queer women face disproportionately high rates of postpartum depression compared to heterosexual and cisgender individuals. Studies showed that queer women face heightened mental health challenges, including higher rates of depression and anxiety due to factors like discrimination, limited support systems, and negative healthcare experiences. There is a need for culturally competent, LGBTQ+-affirming interventions to improve maternal mental health outcomes; despite the health disparities faced by this population, research on specialized postpartum interventions is limited, revealing gaps in effective mental health care for queer mothers. The key search terms for the articles used in the study included: postpartum depression, queer women, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, perinatal depression, maternal outcomes of PPD, therapy, interventions, treatment, and management. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of specialized postpartum mental health support in reducing the incidence and severity of PPD among queer women, compared to standard postpartum care. This study utilized Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and a quasi-experimental design with a sample of 200 queer mothers within two years postpartum, divided into intervention and control groups. Outcomes were measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at baseline and at six-month intervals over a two-year period. It is anticipated that participants in the intervention group will show a significant reduction in PPD symptoms, reflected in lower EPDS scores, compared to the control group receiving standard care. Additionally, qualitative data will provide insights into participants' experiences with the specialized support model. This study highlights the urgent need for culturally tailored, LGBTQ+-affirming postpartum mental health interventions. Findings are expected to inform healthcare systems and providers, promoting equitable care and improved mental health outcomes for queer mothers.
