Assessing Disparities in Culturally Competent Care for Ethnic Burn Patients

Graduation Year


Document Type

Senior Thesis


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Primary Major


Thesis Advisor

Kendra Hoepper, DNP, APRN, PNP-BC



In modern healthcare, despite the technological advances, patients’ still face insufficient care for certain populations, immigrant/ethnic patients. Specifically, there is a severe disparity in culturally competent care and a prioritization on allopathic treatment in burn care. Despite receiving allopathic treatment, many of these patients faced higher mortality rates and patient satisfaction. By diving into the research the goal is to identify what barriers did minority populations face to receive the proper culturally competent care they deserve? For research the plan is to use social media to recruit individuals that fall into this minority population. By conducting a qualitative set of studies, it will be easier implementing semi-structured interviews to gain the opportunity to analyze the specific barriers. Hopefully, the study will identify the challenges there were to culturally competent care in ethnic burn patients. In the end the hope is to gather at least 20-30 interviewees. Thematic analysis will be conducted once the pertinent information is gathered. By analyzing the transcripts of the interviews, overarching themes and qualities can be applied to a more culturally competent model of care to implement into the future. Hopefully this proposal can properly identify the barriers that so many ethnic/immigrant patients deal with in burn care to alleviate these issues. There is also a literature review to show an overarching theme of ethnic patients facing certain barriers in accessing culturally competent care. Moving forward, hopefully, the information provided can create a better future for culturally competent care.

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