Hidden in Plain Sight: Native Land Under Stanford

Hidden in Plain Sight: Native Land Under Stanford


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5,000 years before Spanish Colonization was the start of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. Between 1769 and 1834, the number of Indigenous Native Americans in the area went from 300,000 to 250,000. These people went through a shift of control from Spaniard Conquistadors to Mexican Rancheros taking control of land and ideology. Then, California was freed from Mexico, so this meant freedom for the Natives right? This is just the beginning of their struggle as land owners change and California goes through modernization and massacre. Many forget the roots of the land they step on, even those who may be taught about the history and it could have happened under their very school.

Publication Year



Public History | United States History

Faculty Mentor

Aaron Richardson, MA, MLIS

Hidden in Plain Sight: Native Land Under Stanford


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