Theses/Capstones from 2015
Approaching Ideals through Innovation: Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Mass Media Technology and American Democracy, Elizabeth Brand Cermak
Creative Expression and Dementia, Danielle A. Lavee-Dixon
Fast Fashion: At What Cost?, Fiona Hall-Roulac
Hostage Negotiations in Lieu of Armed Assault, William A. Merkle
How the Phoenix Took Wing: An Examination of the Humanities Canon as it Relates to the Psychology of Posttraumatic Growth, Stephen Dalton
Jacobean Textile Design: Surviving (and Thriving) Through the Test of Time, Janis L. Wild
MADNESS: Schizophrenia, Then and Now, Diane W. Aldrich
Mother's Bed: Gender Representation in Children's Literature, Karin Hanni
On the Divide: Examining Residential Segregation in Marin County, California, Felicia Burgess
The Feminist Inside the Strong Black Woman, Avoa P. Henry
The Transformative and Healing Powers of Compassion, Forgiveness, and Wonder, Anna C. Eriksson-Marty
Theses/Capstones from 2014
A Historical Account of the Conceptual Evolution of Satan in the Abrahamic Belief Traditions, Hanan Huneidi
Chinese Calligraphy: An American Chinese's Perspective, Bridget Gross Duann
Education and the Museum, Courtney Mary Morse
Engage, Imagine and Create: Keeping the Arts Alive in the Youth of Today, Kymm L. Falls
English Language Learners on the Rise: A Look at Programs Available To Adults in Sonoma County That Support Parent Involvement, Jaime Dee Blevins
Evolution of the Un-Wed Mother, Carol Jean Obergfell
FEAR.COM: Terrorism and its Use of the Internet and Social Media, Gary Tourville
For Praying Out Loud: An Exploration of Religious Traditions & Their Prayer Practices, Leona George-Davidson
Greta's Journey-The Life of a Guitar, Heather Dobrin
Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery: A Local Epidemic, Sierra Marie Tomsky
Individual and Social Ontologies of the Self: Analyzing the Spectrums of Selfhood, Evan Alexander Ferguson
Living in Afghanistan on the Eve of the Russian Invasion, Crystal Kelly
Preventing Students who are At Risk from Dropping out of School, Agustin Joseph Gonzalez
Rediscovering Nature: Tree Exercises and Psychology, Kendra Woodglass
Student Centered Curriculum: Elementary School, Atria Gail Rondone
Unseen Consequences: The Plight of the Mexican Migrant Farm Worker, Amanda Diaz
Vulnerable Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in California from 1986 to 2012, Magdalena Galvan Rodriguez