"The Grand Perhaps" - The Concept of Doubt in Browning's Religious Poetry

Graduation Date

Summer 1972

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Program Name



The themes that men choose to write or sing about, portray in stone or in paint, say something about the times in which they live. I chose the theme of doubt for this paper because doubt and its correlative, faith, is very prevalent in this time of the twentieth century. The twentieth century, more so perhaps than any other has seen great- developments, discoveries and advancements, They are so evident, they need not be listed in detail here. But what is likewise evident in this age of advancement - and this may seem like a contradiction - is insecurity, fear, and uncertainty. This seems like a contradiction only until one realizes that side by side with the developments, discoveries and advancements proceeded destructiveness, ignorance, and helplessness. Perhaps doubt and uncertainty grow all the more in the face of a powerful technology that is capable of self-destruction. Man, aware of the great human achievements, may doubt the existence of a Higher Power; informed by numerous sources of reliable research he may doubt the traditional teachings or, realizing his helplessness in the face of destructive forces, he may doubt the purpose of his own existence.
