Some Elements of Contrast in Jacob's Room

Graduation Date

Spring 1973

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Program Name



My purpose, then, is to evaluate Jacob's Room from the point of view that it is a quest for the mystery of personality; a symmetry achieved "by means of infinite discords .” One way of noting the discords is through an examination of the various contrasts Virginia Woolf employ In exploring these contrasts, I shall arbitrarily select three groups: (l) Life and Death within the framework of Time; (2) Light, Dark; Real, Sham; Reality, Illusion; (3) Contrast and Juxtaposition of Places and Characters. As in all arbitrary classifications, we will find that they sometimes strain their bounds and merge with other types of contrast (Mrs. Woolf often equates light and life, for example). But for the sake of clarity, these divisions remain the most feasible.

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