The History of Marin County California: Resources fr use in the Development of an Experiential Program for Elementary Students

Graduation Date

Fall 1968

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Document Form


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Degree Granting Institution

Catholic University of America

Program Name



During the elementary school years, a child's natural curiosity about how he came to be himself can be expanded to include curiosity about other people. The people he knows personally can open the doors to a larger community; his neighborhood, his town and his county. To fill the need for some organization of materials for such a study of his community, with emphasis on the past history of Marin County, I have prepared this paper.

Possibly a teacher or youth leader today is himself a recent arrival in Marin County and lacks the background to give a course in local history. I suggest that adults and students alike embark on the discovery together. Many people in this county are historically-minded and active in preserving many elements of our tradition. Their numerous small acts of preservation have enriched and will continue to enrich investigations of the county's development.

A general history of the county has not been published since 1880, but a new history is in gestation, its birth awaited with interest. In the meantime, there are just under three hundred works listed in one bibliography of Marin County. This list will be most helpful to adults willing to work at the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, and the California Historical Society Library, San Francisco. These two libraries have the most complete files of works on Marin County. Within the county there are various collections, with a good variety at the Marin County Free Library and the Marin Historical Museum.

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